Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Test Drive

It took us a while to get over the "hurdle" of bringing Sophie out. We had only brought her out to the PD. So when we thought that she was ready or rather when we were ready. I decided to give the little fella a "test drive" in the car seat that was passed down to us. After reading the instruction booklet for the fourth time, I put baby to car seat. She took it quite well as I was trying to adjust the straps frantically.

Someone was obviously having more fun than I was. It was not as easy as I thought. I had to refer to the instructions quite a few times to get things perfect. Sophie was smiling all the way.

After all straps were adjusted and more or less in the correct place we had one snug baby in her new car seat ready to take on the world!

M Baby Mobile

Monday, February 01, 2010

Trusting Him

Trust is an important thing to have. Not just trust received but trust earned as well. When the cards are against us who can we trust? Family? Friends? Ourselves? Of course we can rely on our friends and family to help us get through a difficult situation but they can’t really help us in the situation, now can they!

So we turn to ourselves to endeavor ourselves and to struggle out of any difficult situation. This self effort is usually accompanied with cupfuls of coffee, buckets of stress, loads of worries and not to mentioned hours of sleeplessness. We can’t help it; this is what it takes to get the job done.

Such was the situation for me in Apr 2007. I was a complete wreck, the stress was so great the wife, who at that time was fiancée, received the brunt of my mood swings and stress. She too was dealing with a fair amount of stress at the time too, so it was both ways. Eventually we stumbled over to the other side successfully intact and stronger with the grace of God only.

Today, the situation is similar but strangely there is a calm. We are both getting accustomed to Sophie’s presence. And I am dealing with work issues again, which often seems out of my control. But rather than falling the same way, I am trusting Him and though there are times I sense and feel myself falling, when realisation kicks in, I cast it to Him and there is calm.

All I know is that whatever will be done will be done well. I know it may sound foolish but faith will sound foolish to the faithless. In the midst of the storm, I am looking to Him to make a way for me and to show me the way out of the situation.

M Trustin Him