Monday, May 23, 2011

Bye Bye JK!

Seems fitting that I pen down some thoughts on the end of an “era”. We have left the village of Jalan Kayu and moved back to the town of Ang Mo Kio. You may be thinking what village? What town? Singapore is Singapore but I beg to differ. The wife, said it well when she declared “It’s like we are back to civilization!”

Situated far in Singapore’s North East, is the eclectic village of Jalan Kayu. A hamlet that is synonymous with roti prata, it was where we called home for the past four years. I was not a stranger to the place when we moved here four years ago, I actually quite liked the locale but the major draw to this place for the both of us was the lush greenery and the countryside like feel. In hyper modern Singapore, it was almost a step back in time. Chickens ran freely, huge trees dominated the skyline not HDB flats and best of all on a lazy weekday afternoon the outdoor soundtrack would be the crickets! All in all, it was therapeutic to return home….well most of the time that is.

We have been blessed going in, with good neighbors, great experiences and unforgettable memories. We are blessed going out with a good capital gain, smooth move out albeit with some agent hiccups and blessed timing before the whole neighbor turns into a construction site. Emotionally this has been a rather charged period for us, with the hits and misses of buying a new house. But all in all, it has been a learning experience and although there are times when we needed to hold our breaths, at the end it always end favorably for us.

Praise be to God!

As the next round of breath holding is going on as I type; I know that, He will not bring us this far to drop us off a “cliff”. Good Lord No! He shall see us through.

M not holding my breath

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, May 02, 2011

Vasse Felix – Price Journey


At winery – AUD $24.95

At regional wine centre – AUD $26.00

At bottle shop in town – AUD $28.00

Self importing – AUD $27.00 (inclusive of Singapore duty)

At SGP Duty Free – SGD $55.00

At Carrefour Singapore – SGD $70.00

At ROCKS restaurant – SGD $130.00

Consumer advice at its finest!

M Cares!

Sh*t My Dad Says

I have been seeing this book on the top seller list of many bookshops including for quite a while and with my recent trip to OZ, I needed some light reading. At the end of this book, I realised why its so highly acclaimed.

It’s really an apt book for sons and fathers, so basically all males. I highly recommend it to fathers of young children especially to Dads struggling with the notion of what kind of fathers they should be to their children.

Did I mention that it is funny. Well funny is an understatement, it is as the quote says on the book “Ridiculously hilarious”. There was a night when the girls were asleep and I reached the most hilarious point in the book. I literally had to press my face into the pillow so that I won’t wake them up with my eye tearing laughter.

Well is not just funny but, very heart warming that a father can have such a tremendous impact on a child when there is nothing but love between them!

M still laughing.