Tuesday, October 03, 2006

"Champion" now turning on his own team

Yes I am right Alonso has lost it royally. This guy has taken being a spoilt sport to a new level! I will be glad when he is forgotten and lost to history. Perhaps his age could be blamed for his lack of maturity but, whatever the case maybe even if by some chance he wins the 2006 title he would not be a great champ!

You can turn on your rivals, your teammate, your fans even, but your team? He said that they are more focused on winning the constructors title, maybe some one should tell him if he wins the title most likely the team will win the constructors as well.


We are in for a treat for next two races! Whatever the case maybe it will go down to Brazil as the decider unless Alonso manages to do something so dumb he gets points deducted. If that happens oh man will we ever hear the end of the whinge.