Monday, November 02, 2009

It has been confirmed

For those who are connected to me on Facebook, you’d probably seen my “It has been confirmed” status update. So some of my friends who knew that we were preggers started asking me if it was a girl or boy.

Well as most of you know that has been confirmed a while ago to be a little girl! So what has been confirmed?

Yeap we have decided on a name. We have been toying with a couple of names which have stuck since our initial brainstorm. But after yesterday in church, I quietly said to myself subconsciously that if the name is mentioned during the service that will be the confirmation. So guess what, the name was mentioned and we both looked at each other and we knew.

So as per my previous post have we met the criteria?

  • Something exotic – Well, its not that common but exotic might be too far a stretch.
  • No space age or new age – Nice big CHECK on that.
  • Perhaps French – Yes its French
  • Something that will not be made fun off – I doubt this name will be made fun off, oh well its a rite of passage anyways.
  • Something biblical – Nice big CHECK on that one too, well not really a name in the Bible but the meaning has biblical significance
  • Something strong yet gentle – I have to YES to this point. It’s feminine yet strong.

So what is it? It shall be revealed in due course. Now we just need to formulate the full name.

M pleased


Anonymous said...

Its so cool to see you making such an effort to provide your girl with a name with meaning. I've met so many that name their kids because it sounds good but if they checked the meaning of the name they might have thought twice.

I would be impressed if you could get a name that was resistant to name calling. Kids are very creative.

erin said...

I am very eager to find out the name! It wont be long now before she is here!

Majimo said...

photograft - you are right it will be hard to find something that kids will not make fun off but at least something that is not going to be that obvious.

erin - soon it shall be revealed soon. but according the last visit we are looking to make it to December which is great! So no early deliveries.

Majimo said...

photograft - really great pictures I love the new album which looks like a book. I very nice memento for the occasion.

Great idea!