Monday, September 27, 2010

Sept découvertes cette semaine

1) Is imagining the squeal a full throttled F1 car in a distance, soon it'll be reality.

2) Is extremely grateful to be tithing again! It's a privileged I have so missed.

3) Loves to watch Sophie's head bobbing around as she rouses from her slumber.

4) Has found a new instant buzz with Toast Box's kopi cow!

5) Is finally buckling down to read A Purpose Driven Life with the wife.

6) Highlight of the week is the Singapore Grand Prix!

7) Wrote 1 - 6 on Thursday and forgot about it completely till Sunday, it's been a looooooong weekend. In a way glad it's over....doh Monday!


Friday, September 24, 2010

Time, where has it gone?

Seems like the only time I have to blog is between the hours of 5-6am, which have been the time when my recent blog posts have been churned out. Work has been interesting, after a 7 month break I guess returning to work would definitely bring about some challenges. But so far so good, rather its been too short a time to make an informed conclusion. Hahaha!

We have decided to ditch baby school for Sophie for the next year almost. After all the dramas that school brought her, we have done the usual young parent thing and begged out parents (Sophie's grandies) to be overseers with the domestic helper as the primary caregiver.

Definitely the sense of security is much greater with this arrangement but, we need to be wary not to get to a stage of taking our parents for granted as they help us out in such a big way. It's really easy to take them for granted with our schedules and scarily it's mostly unintentional.

When we get home from work, we would like to spend all the time we have with Sophie before she nods off to bed and by that time she does that, either we are completely exhausted and join her or prefer the sanity calming effect of the TV. I guess nobody wants to take their parents for granted but it just sort of happens. I dunno , it seems that when we decide to do something about it, it's normally too late. Oh well, at least it's in the back of our mind as we endeavor to not get thing to that stage.

M reflective at 6.18am

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sept découvertes cette semaine

1) There is no feeling like having to savor the end of a productive day.

2) T.M.Levin shirts are poorly made and over priced, they look nice but they suck!

3) Never had so much fibre in his diet.

4) Bras Basah MRT station on the Circle Line is brilliant.

5) Is glad to have Sophie's care taking arrangements sorted out.

6) Realised that he is a child of the most high God, it's beats all and it's real.

7) Highlight of the week is being greeted by my awesome wife and daughter when I get out my car.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Sept découvertes cette semaine


1) Is glad to have his smiley girl back.

2) Top Chef in Singapore! Wow!

3) Has found sumptuous sandies OZ style at Bratwurst Shop in Plaza Sing.

4) Is working in Internet Hell, all external emails are tracked and USB ports can only recognize mice. Wrote a blog but can't send it out, the post is literally trapped.

5) Two monitors are better than one.

6) Is thinking of how to self reward himself. Any suggestions?

7) Highlight of the week is meeting baby Emma.


Monday, September 06, 2010

Power of little Girls

It was a tough day. I usually do not have Monday blues because my Mondays are normally busy at work with an abundance of activity. Of course, this was my first “work Monday” in months but, it was blue because I spent the first part of the day aimless. I loathe starting a job when the first assignment is to takeover someone who is moving to a new position. One, they do not care about you but are more interested in their new position. Two, you spend most of your time, waiting for them to “find time” to show you the ropes. Three, I do not like waiting!!

This has been the case last Thursday and Friday, and first part of Monday was no different. It was made worse by the fact that the wife was away in Hong Kong, she left on Sunday night. So Monday morning I roused by myself to Sophie’s cries and brought her over to the bed for some quality time and play. As I was running out of time, I got ready to leave for the office but, when I was all ready to go, I just simply could not leave the house. I kept looking back at Sophie being carried by helper Jeanie. Sophie kept looking at me with those big innocent eyes of hers, and there I was struggling to get into the car. I would have given a king’s ransom to know what was going through her little mind.

I of course, got into the car after 5 rounds of goodbye, helper Jeanie was probably thinking I was crazy. I was heartbroken but I knew the Sophie would be fine but because we’ve sent off Mum countless time and as the cab turns the corner her attention is on something else. However, I clearly wasn’t ok. As the first paragraph and basically this post demonstrates.

But somewhere after lunch, I got an email from the wife. Errorlyn who was at home sent these to her in Hong Kong and she sent them to me!

image image

My day, in an instant, was completely changed! I eventually had a great end of day. Thanks to my wonderful little GIRLS!

M so lucky a guy!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Perfect Trust

After around 7 months of a sabbatical, I have finally started worked. Incidentally, 7 is the number of Perfection, so the 7 month rest is deemed as perfect rest. I say a firm Amen to that because there is absolutely nothing I would change nor is there anything I regret doing in these 7 months.

Sure I could have gone on an adventurous holiday to Tibet or to Mongolia but my place was at home. There was this uncanny peace and calm about staying at home and tending to Sophie. There were days of cabin fever resulting from being cooped up all day but these feelings were fleeting. Overall, I was where I was supposed to be,  to describe it i would this phrase; "spiritual trust".

In fact, all negative feelings were fleeting to be honest. On my second day of work, my sister bought me lunch and she said, "you were pretty cool through the entire "ordeal", weren't you?" I gave her a resounding but caveated YES because of these minute fleeting feelings. The way I see it, it's character and spirit building. It was a major exercise not just for me but for the family to trust unconditionally in Jesus finished work.

It comforted me to know that my heavenly father will not let me perish. This is not a sweeping statement from the bible but a fact! Of course there're myriads who will argue about what I could have done instead of "vegetating". All true to a certain extent but of these folks may have never felt that overcoming feeling that you are doing the right thing down in your spirit, soul and body, so much so there was no argument. Perfect Trust because of Perfect Love.

1 John 4:18 (New King James Version)

18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

Its like how, I feel the season has changed and that it's time for me to return back to work and trust Him again to take care of everything, and I mean every single thing.

M trusting

Friday, September 03, 2010

Sept découvertes cette semaine

1) Loves Magnum ice cream, there is one for one promo going on at the moment!

2) For This I Was Born by Brian Houston is well worth read.

3) Just visited Marina Bay Sands Skypark and am absolutely amazed.

4) Misses Sophie when I'm at work.

5) Has come full circle after 2 years exactly.

6) Ate at the Jalan Kayu cafe near office. Irony!

7) Just had his first TGIF in months.