It was a tough day. I usually do not have Monday blues because my Mondays are normally busy at work with an abundance of activity. Of course, this was my first “work Monday” in months but, it was blue because I spent the first part of the day aimless. I loathe starting a job when the first assignment is to takeover someone who is moving to a new position. One, they do not care about you but are more interested in their new position. Two, you spend most of your time, waiting for them to “find time” to show you the ropes. Three, I do not like waiting!!
This has been the case last Thursday and Friday, and first part of Monday was no different. It was made worse by the fact that the wife was away in Hong Kong, she left on Sunday night. So Monday morning I roused by myself to Sophie’s cries and brought her over to the bed for some quality time and play. As I was running out of time, I got ready to leave for the office but, when I was all ready to go, I just simply could not leave the house. I kept looking back at Sophie being carried by helper Jeanie. Sophie kept looking at me with those big innocent eyes of hers, and there I was struggling to get into the car. I would have given a king’s ransom to know what was going through her little mind.
I of course, got into the car after 5 rounds of goodbye, helper Jeanie was probably thinking I was crazy. I was heartbroken but I knew the Sophie would be fine but because we’ve sent off Mum countless time and as the cab turns the corner her attention is on something else. However, I clearly wasn’t ok. As the first paragraph and basically this post demonstrates.
But somewhere after lunch, I got an email from the wife. Errorlyn who was at home sent these to her in Hong Kong and she sent them to me!
My day, in an instant, was completely changed! I eventually had a great end of day. Thanks to my wonderful little GIRLS!
M so lucky a guy!