Friday, September 24, 2010

Time, where has it gone?

Seems like the only time I have to blog is between the hours of 5-6am, which have been the time when my recent blog posts have been churned out. Work has been interesting, after a 7 month break I guess returning to work would definitely bring about some challenges. But so far so good, rather its been too short a time to make an informed conclusion. Hahaha!

We have decided to ditch baby school for Sophie for the next year almost. After all the dramas that school brought her, we have done the usual young parent thing and begged out parents (Sophie's grandies) to be overseers with the domestic helper as the primary caregiver.

Definitely the sense of security is much greater with this arrangement but, we need to be wary not to get to a stage of taking our parents for granted as they help us out in such a big way. It's really easy to take them for granted with our schedules and scarily it's mostly unintentional.

When we get home from work, we would like to spend all the time we have with Sophie before she nods off to bed and by that time she does that, either we are completely exhausted and join her or prefer the sanity calming effect of the TV. I guess nobody wants to take their parents for granted but it just sort of happens. I dunno , it seems that when we decide to do something about it, it's normally too late. Oh well, at least it's in the back of our mind as we endeavor to not get thing to that stage.

M reflective at 6.18am


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