Thursday, September 03, 2009

Musical Renaissance

I have been having a bit of a musical reawakening this past week. It all started with the UK talent show, X Factor.

First was Danyl Johnson, English teacher with a passion for music who went up and gave a performance like a professional! Have watch with the linked name.

Then this week was James "Afro" Archer, a struggling musician on his last legs who came out to give a performance that got the whole audience, even Simon Cowell and me singing along to a song I never  heard before. After he sang this I listened to the original version and found Mr Afro's version better. Things sound better live when done properly!

Ever since Susan Boyle and Paul Potts, these talent show surprises give us some "Chicken Soup for the Musical Soul". So now inspired, after I drop the wife in the morning my drive to work has been a 
musical one.

I imagine myself introducing Mojo to music and I believe she will have that love for music like her Dad. Considering she's going to be in infant care near my office the drive to my office from the wife's will be both of us head banging to  Zeppelin! Imagine that!

M on Fire


The little me said...

No heavy metal please!