Friday, January 22, 2010

Maintaining Sanity

It was a tough day today. It started from the morning as I started to fall asleep while I was driving to work. There was no one to blame but myself for this happening not my little girl. But when I got to work I was faced with another issue. I found myself playing a school counselor in a “high school disagreement” at work. I tried not to lose it and I maintained my cool but still I was admittedly angry but I kept my words steadily firm but sane.

As the day progressed, the deterioration continued with my constant lunch time conundrum of what to eat, followed by a few session of word play, I am happy to say I have made it to the end. Triumphant and victorious! Can you hear the people in the stands?

Although I struggled through today I maintained sanity throughout because I though of two things. One is my wonderful family. Maju and Mojo are my constant pillars in my life holding me up even when they are not physically present. They are so important that a day without them would be torturous. The other thing is of course is my refuge, my shelter, my hiding place, my Jesus. He is always with me wherever I go. When I am walking in the valley He is with me. He is always with me and He is my comfort.

imagePhoto credit by b_hoffman2000

This picture is apt. Because no matter how small or tiny we feel. We have a big God shining down on us. ALWAYS! With these two things in my head and heart I can move mountains. Nothing is too hard! All I need to do is REST!

M telling all to Bring it On!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nursery Rhymes??

As you can imagine with a baby in the house, there be a lot of these really kiddy tunes being played to pacify Sophie. Or that our CD players will have stacks of nursery rhymes CDs just waiting to churn out some sweet kiddies tune.

Oh so wrong. We have nothing like that. Perhaps the closest thing to that we have is the Mozart Effect which was supposed to be played before and after the baby is born. During the first 2-3 weeks surprisingly Sophie responded well to The Who!! Yeah, I was surprised too! She in particularly liked their catchy hit from 1965, “I Can’t Explain”! Personally, I could not be happier as this is what I dreamed of doing, that is to introduce my girl to great classic songs.

I am respecting the wife’s order of no heavy rock or metal music, which I do think is a good idea for a under 6 months old. Hehehehe…so now shes into U2, Hillsong United, Simon & Garfunkel and of course The Who. When she starts to get restless hook up the iPhone to the stereo and wala she’s grooving. All I can say is “The girl’s got taste”!

M Rocking

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Incidental Shopper

image One of my greatest joys as a Dad is to buy clothes for my little girl. I simply can't resist these cute little rompers, t-shirts and dresses. Gosh, what's happening to me.

I have been responsible for the majority of Sophie's wardrobe that is, other than the clothes she got from her older cousins.

I normally never leave my office to head out for lunch unless it's absolutely necessary. But today I left the office after a late finishing meeting to get some clothes for my little girl. I found a shop selling cute branded clothes at low prices. So that's a good score for Daddy.

M a baby shopaholic

Friday, January 08, 2010

In the minds of people

Recently I had the privilege of talking to someone who had some insights into how a certain group of people perceived me. In a sense, I knew I was going to hear things that I was going to be affected by either mentally and emotionally but the need to hear this “feedback” was too intense. Did I mention that the people who said these things about me were people I rub shoulders with everyday? Well they are and of course they are not aware that these words of their were reaching me.

As expected the words were surprising and some of them cut like daggers. Most of the words used and conclusions said were either based on erroneous interpretation and the awareness of part of the picture but as we all know in life, we are never privy to the full picture.

I sometimes wonder to myself why such situations occur. Sometimes good intentions results poorly and misinterpretations are so frequent that at times, trying to be extra nice to certain people might not be worth much effort. A cynical view? Perhaps? Does that stop me from having good intentions? Its unlikely that it will stop me.

On the other side of the coin, why do people crave feedback so much? Why when feedback is not given we are left wondering? Wondering so much so that it leaves us in a state of loss. But in the rare case when the feedback is given it is often received with denial and angst at first followed by a time of soul searching. This is such a soul searching post.

One thing I am glad to know is that one person sees all things. And after seeing all things He does not judge, persecute or look at us any differently. I take comfort in such a person watching over me.

M Discovering

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

2009 – The Dektos Year

Ok I know I am a little late with this post but better late than never. As mentioned many times before this blog is a means to chronicle all the good things that I am so blessed to receive, experience and share with others.

And so as each year passes my list of things to be thankful for get longer. So rather than listing out all the great things (and believe me there are so many great things) that have happened to me, here is my Top 10 (drum roll please).

10. Revived the Photo Habit

9. The invention of Majimo and

8. Start of Exercise (on pause at the moment J)

7. Had two amazing beach holiday one better than the other

6. Got Promoted at work

5. Found out we were Preggers

4. Experienced the Free Flowing Favor of God in all areas of my life

3. Rebelled against bad food at the office

2. Becoming a Dad to Sophie

and the Number One thing to be thankful for this year is……

1. Fell in love with my wife all over again! Thanks Babe you are the bestest!

M in 2010