Wednesday, January 06, 2010

2009 – The Dektos Year

Ok I know I am a little late with this post but better late than never. As mentioned many times before this blog is a means to chronicle all the good things that I am so blessed to receive, experience and share with others.

And so as each year passes my list of things to be thankful for get longer. So rather than listing out all the great things (and believe me there are so many great things) that have happened to me, here is my Top 10 (drum roll please).

10. Revived the Photo Habit

9. The invention of Majimo and

8. Start of Exercise (on pause at the moment J)

7. Had two amazing beach holiday one better than the other

6. Got Promoted at work

5. Found out we were Preggers

4. Experienced the Free Flowing Favor of God in all areas of my life

3. Rebelled against bad food at the office

2. Becoming a Dad to Sophie

and the Number One thing to be thankful for this year is……

1. Fell in love with my wife all over again! Thanks Babe you are the bestest!

M in 2010