Monday, May 31, 2010

Penang Book Club

This past weekend we headed back to Penang with Sophie in tow. Her first trip out of Singapore and her first flight. Sheesh and she not even a year old. Oh well this is the world we live in.

Anyways the whole Malaysian household were awaiting the arrival of the new arrival and soon all were cooing and smitten by her presence. With Hainanese being the communication medium of choice and with the telly on either some violent cartoon or a Cantonese drama, I needed to find something to engage myself. With no Wifi as well I needed to get back to basics by settling myself down with a good book.

On one of my maiden trips there, I bought Home Beautiful magazine, in desperation, and I read it cover to cover, all articles, snippets and columns. I even played close attention to the ads. After that I became interested in home decorating and eventually that magazine became the inspiration for our current home. So began the Penang Book Club.

image This time around I tried to go the magazine route but as I perused them in the plane, I knew I would be bored soon. When we were out shopping one of our stops was at a bookstore. I scrambled to find a good read. As the wife was queuing to pay, I more or less given up the search when I stumbled upon LaHaye and Jenkins latest release. These guys brought us the Left Behind series that kept me enthralled for nearly 10 years.

Luke's Story is a novel about Luke's life and how he became one of the authors of the Bible fictionalised to put it simply. Within two days I was half way through and was looking forward to continue my read on my flight home.  Guess what? Of all the things to get left behind in Penang, it had to be this book by the authors of the Left Behind series. Ironic. Now I need to scour Singapore for this book so I can continue my read.

M loves to read