Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Sometimes they can just be about wearing the white shirt or the blue shirt or perhaps should I have grilled fish shioyaki or sashimi for lunch. Other times it can be life altering, like should I leave this job and move on to the next. Life is full of decisions....left turn or right turn?? Go straight???

Depending on the magnitude of change, they are hard but change is good, sometimes. The burden of decisions sometimes gets easier when you have been partnered with a woman of wisdom and understanding. Such is what I have found in the woman sleeping next to me. It's 6.36am and that person is obviously the wife, to be exact Sophie is between us, but that's another blog post altogether._MG_0242-2

She's an analyzer, well she does it for a living, so she is a fantastic analyzer. Pros and cons, cost benefit, long term vs   short term gains are just some to the tools in her unseen arsenal. Whatever the case maybe, her opinion carries weight, to me! Especially when I am emotionally clouded she helps to wade through the crap and baggage and bring clarity to all situations.

Proverbs 31:10-11 (New American Standard Bible)
  10An excellent wife, who can find?
        For her worth is far above jewels.
    11The heart of her husband trusts in her,
        And he will have no lack of gain.


Thanks babe! You are my Proverbs 31 wife!

M Uber Blessed


The little me said...


Anonymous said...

I have the same opinion with most of your points, but a few need to be discussed further, I will hold a small discussion with my partners and perhaps I will ask you some opinion soon.

- Henry

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