Sunday, August 13, 2006

Back from Penang

Yes I am back to Singapore, and it went better than expected. Was there since Wednesday but only managed to speak to him on Saturday morning. This was due to procrastination on my part and some missed opportunities. Overall it went well, he was rather fatherly and of course he gave some good advice and asked some surprising questions.

In any case, I was expecting it to be much worse. I was expecting questions like, "how much do you make?", "can you support my daughter?", etc

So now that that is out of the way, we can start to plan the wedding proper. All parents have been consulted and its now time for execution. First thing, book the date with the hotel and by God's grace hope that church will have someone who is available to do the solemnisation and we are able to find a church on the said date. Tenatively, its 23rd June 2007!. Yes almost a year away but here in Singapore, it usually take almost 12-18 months advance notice to book a hotel. So here begins another adventure.

Of course Penang was great as it always is. The food was non stop, Penang Laksa, Char Koay Teow, and many other favourite from my future mother in law's kitchen. On the whole Penang has a rather rustic charm of a small back water town becoming a big city. It still holds the old while the new is apparent all around. There are still many kampung around the place and they are wonderful to photograph ( will post some up when I figure out how to :-))

One surprise that greeted me when I came back home was a flat battery. Yes I have driven this battery to the bone for the past two years and now its time to get it replaced. The trusty GTI is developing a temperament, and is getting cranky with age. Probably, I deserve it with the lack of attention that I have been showing her.

Okay....I am rambling now....