Sunday, September 28, 2008

F1 in Singapore? Pinch me!

And the next stop on the F1 calendar is Singapore. Eh? Tell me that one year ago....or maybe two years ago I would have laughed. Tell me that 10 years ago when F1 became more popular in the region with the opening of Sepang race track it would be impossibility. But it here, in all its decibels. The Singapore GP is a reality, I was excited yes but just one week away from the race it all hit me. Being a F1 follower since 1984 when I used to watch races on RTM 10, with commentary in Malay to now where there are F1 themed bar and events in Singapore. Just pinch me.

Of course when I got to the track on Friday, the hairstanding feeling was there. But it was not until the cars started around in anger that the hairstand feeling really came. Overall it was an excellent GP. I was very proud that my country, Singapore put up such a great show. Much to Mr Luca’s disagreement, another blog entry altogether.


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Flowers of Peyrolles

So on my trip to Aix, which is in the Provence part of France, so somewhat in the middle of nowhere, what could I possibly find round about 30 minutes away? FAMILY! Yes indeed the family tree that stretched itself to a quaint place called Peyrolles en Provence. Which incidentally most of my colleagues in Aix had no clue where it was.

For my sole weekend in Provence, when I could have been flying to Belgium to watch F1 on favourite Grand Prix track in Spa, I decided instead to chill out in the French countryside with the family. And to be honest, I am glad to have made that decision.

I was greeted by flowers. Yes many in the garden and 3 flowers in particular, Claudia, Chloe and Andrea who are my nieces. They were a bunch of fun, after the initial shyness evaporated. Daughters of my cousin who I have not seen in almost 25 years.

Communication was a challenge as they did not speak English and my French was much to be desired after only a few classes at Alliance. But we managed with the trusty French – English dic and then later when we got lazy, to aid us with those lost in translation moments.
M in Peyrolles

Saturday, September 06, 2008

The love of Photography

I am probably the most "cannot make it" photographer around. A passion that started many yonks ago has slowly fizzled out to the point that I am so lazy to take pictures I recently did not even bother to take a camera on my trip overseas and settled on just using my iPhone to take pictures.

So recently I invested in a small camera that is extremely portable after the one my wife got for me, in an attempt to revive the passion, died suddenly while in Europe.

So armed with my camera, I flew to Paris then to Marseille and then a taxi to Aix en Provence primarily for business. But I guess I was not expecting what I experienced when I was there. A revival!!! Yes the shutter happy boy was back and not just taking snaps but, working for the shot.

Of course it helped a great deal that Aix was a place that was easy to fall in love with and that I did. It was truly a walk back for me to the old days when what was most important was getting good shots to bring home and show all. This trip resuscitated that. For a viewing of more pictures from Aix head to my Facebook photo thingamajiggy @

Let’s hope the passion lives on ya

M in Aix