Sunday, September 07, 2008

Flowers of Peyrolles

So on my trip to Aix, which is in the Provence part of France, so somewhat in the middle of nowhere, what could I possibly find round about 30 minutes away? FAMILY! Yes indeed the family tree that stretched itself to a quaint place called Peyrolles en Provence. Which incidentally most of my colleagues in Aix had no clue where it was.

For my sole weekend in Provence, when I could have been flying to Belgium to watch F1 on favourite Grand Prix track in Spa, I decided instead to chill out in the French countryside with the family. And to be honest, I am glad to have made that decision.

I was greeted by flowers. Yes many in the garden and 3 flowers in particular, Claudia, Chloe and Andrea who are my nieces. They were a bunch of fun, after the initial shyness evaporated. Daughters of my cousin who I have not seen in almost 25 years.

Communication was a challenge as they did not speak English and my French was much to be desired after only a few classes at Alliance. But we managed with the trusty French – English dic and then later when we got lazy, to aid us with those lost in translation moments.
M in Peyrolles