So, the baby is coming; so in the mean time, while there is still time, I need to get my act together in terms of being a supportive husband to my wife while she carrying Mojo. I am not the most endearing guy in the world but I can be pretty detailed when it comes to getting something new. For example, when buying a new stereo/speaker system for the house, I went to great lengths to understand all the intricacies, etc, etc as this post describes. I guess it is the engineer in me who actually reads the technical specifications and who obeys the “Please read the manual before use” message on any item.
But I am not getting a new DVR here, but a baby so there are usually no manuals or instructions to parenting or caring for one. But wait actually there is about a few thousands of them if you did a search on Amazon. So how? The wife got me this to start:
My Boys Can Swim!: The Official Guy's Guide to Pregnancy. Gotta love the title, but aside from being humorous at best it was not nearly enough to be honest. It contained some facts which were useful, but I would recommend this book for a to be father who is disengaged from the whole preggers thingy. Finished the 1st and 2nd trimester sections in two nights. Next!
It was time to take matters into my own hands, “Time to get detailed baby!” A recommendation from SY’s hubby J, got me onto American Pregnancy in particular the Your Developing Baby section. “Now we’re talking!” Thanks guys for this; it’s a good guide with some helpful information and I do read it often. It helped with the barrage of new terms like DOC, hCG, LMP and EDD, it helpful especially if you don’t know what OBGYN is. Only thing is as it says it is American Pregnancy and if you know my wife she is extremely Asian and dare I say “Cheena” so some of “Tips for mom’s partner:” does not apply thus leaving the yearning for more information.
So further into cyberspace I dove. I found what is called a pregnancy calendar, which basically charts the progress of Maju & Mojo, on a daily basis. Of course it cannot be like on this day this and this will happen lah but it give you pretty detailed information of what is happening. Moreover, considering I am bad with dates and sometimes, take a while to respond to “How old are you?”, with this I will never be at lost in terms of calendar progress. Below is a screen shot of Month 5:
So now am I satisfied, well more or less. Considering I am a complete noob, my research is ever continuing and I would like to share here and there what I have found.
M Almost Ready