Monday, May 25, 2009

Where does the time go?

There are so many things that I need to blog about but the time, the time. Over the past few weeks I have been blogging regards to some random topics but there is some big news to share and I am still devising the blog post in my head. The news is huge so I want to put it in a way that I can look back at it memorably. So the reasons are selfish. :-0

I have been so occupied with the many happenings at home, office, church and life. But the biggest time sucker has been my recent obsessions with the show “Lost”. Yes it is a silly excuse but its real, the show that I have avoided watching for some reason or other has got me. I guess personally, I wondered how long a show that involved a bunch of guys crash landing on a island could sustain interest. But after 5 seasons, its cult type status is there and it is still one of the most torrentted shows on the Net.

So eventually I took the plunged and downloaded Season 1 which intrigued me so much that I commenced on an ultra marathon of sort of Lost. Within a few weeks I have reached the end of the 3rd season and about to commence on Season 4, much to the irritation of the wife who constantly tells people that, “He is lost in Lost!”

Other than Lost I have to say my time is more precious than ever, and this period has been one off amazingly good news, yes I will share this big news soon (I promise) and pretty lousy news, not for me personally but its saddening to hear. I will not share the bad news as it is pointless. It sort of explains the posting absence, as the feelings inside are so mixed, that expressing them would be flat and hollow. The best thing to do is to quote and read scripture, so I have.

Psalms 91 has been a close friend of mine, not for the swine flu as previously posted but for general protection of my very human heart. It has kept me sane in an insane world and strong when I should been weak and comforted when I should have been scared. Its is real refuge when there is no one to turn to.

Just uttering to myself “A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but it will not come near Me.” makes the difference.

M under His wings.