Monday, July 20, 2009

Go ahead have a Guinness!

This blog was started with the idea of capturing the positivity in my life. But if you search into it's annals it did not start that way in 2006. It was a complain site capturing my frustrations. I am glad  made the shift and have tried to keep my frustrations out and the blessings in. So today I am going to bend not break this practice as the blessing is hidden.

To say I am disappointed would be an understatement. However I knew it was coming as mental preparation was required and I was. But the drama that  ensued was really unexpected. The reactions were unexpected. It was a corporate cat fight and if I took a few steps back it was  laughable.

This change at work has been done in a way where maximum "damage" was to be inflicted as such, my cautious approach and mixed emotions. So when the news went out the folks left reeling were up in arms throwing sissy fits and I was in the middle. I hate being in the middle of silly corporate power struggles. I somehow managed to exit out relatively unscathed and with my dignity. I thank God for His divine wisdom to allow me to make the right choices and make the right actions. Of course to the outside world I may have given in too easily but it was my wish all along to let go. So in a sense I got less for more.

Lesson Learned: Trust God in all things, although the first taste might be bitter the sweetness will last a longer time. That’s why God created Guinness!


M in need of a Pint!


AnnSecret said...

Guinness! Men. They are all alike.

I think my father said the same thing a few months ago. The only difference is, he said it in Mandarin.

Majimo said...

Wow you are comparing me to Dad.


Couldn't get Guinness, drinking Sake!