Wednesday, July 15, 2009

ME Shall Overcome

As previously blogged, I got promoted, rather surprisingly by God’s grace and currently I am in the thick of things. I also mentioned the spin portion which basically is the fact that I am replacing someone who is leaving, so my new team was not expecting me but rather was expecting something else so that was something that had to be managed and it’s never easy to manage people’s dashed expectations. Then there was my current team who I was expecting to be happy or sad but they were indifferent, almost to the point of “who cares”.

I normally get a little ruffled and move on quickly when such situations occur but this time I found myself, being severely bothered. I found myself starting to feel extremely sensitive and every small thing led to an inward reaction and questions. “Did I say something wrong?”, “Did I do something wrong?”, “What happened?”, “Arrgggh, what’s going on???”



The wife, thinks I am pregnant too or her hormones have spread to me. Don’t get me wrong I am chuffed with the opportunity and the challenge and all the fantastic things in my life. But, I am not in a great place at the moment mentally and emotionally. Just feeling a little down…….. but I know ME! And ME shall overcome! My strength is not in me but it is in the one who is greater than me.

M Overcome


AnnSecret said...

Congratulations on the promotion! I bet you're doing a fine job. Don't worry about it so much, you can't live up to everyone's expectations. You don't have to fulfill ANYONE'S expectation. Except... maybe your wife's.

"The wife, thinks I am pregnant too or her hormones have spread to me."
Lol, that was funny!

Majimo said...

Thanks for the well wishes and yes I know that with God's hand on me I can do anything. So I will overcome for sure.

My Wife is a bunch of laughs. She has a blog too, so you check it out as well:


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