Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Peranakan Food and Little Ones

It was truly a fruitful Saturday. Saturdays are normally laundry days followed by French class which is followed by not much else. So last Sat was one to remember.

Cooking Class


Other than having a dream kitchen full with Miele fittings, Chef Rosaline Soon from Grandmothers’ Recipes guided us through 3 classic Peranakan dishes with some useful cooking and appliance tips to boot. It was a morning well spent. Do check out her site and if cooking or food is your thing do try out her classes, I highly recommended them for a fun and relaxing time. Do check out the wife and SY blogs for more pictures. I have a feeling we might be back for more.

Pram Shopping image

Yes it is pram buying time. Some might say too early but we are spacing out our big purchases. We more or less settled on a Aprica after shopping around mainly because it is super light and easy to use, as per wife. So finally we made our way to the showroom and got us a pram.  Being an engineer, I am a sucker for technology and the tech behind this pram got me sold.


Dinner with Sonia

Finally to top of a great day it was more Peranakan Food from Kim Choo’s in Katong with Selvam and Sonia. In case, you guys were wondering, Selvam is my best bud and Sonia is his daughter and my Goddaughter. I kick myself for not taking any pictures but it was a night of laughs, puzzled looks as Sonia reminisced, she’s 7 and she was talking about her “old days”, and hearty ice cream at Ice Cream Chefs. BTW, we skip French class.

M Thankful


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