Monday, August 31, 2009

Anonymity Failed

I have all but given up on trying to be anonymous. When I first 
started out blogging it was meant to be for myself and myself alone. 
Of course a growing fan base would not hurt and basically it has been 
a medium to meet some really awesome people, which  I have.

What I did not want was people who already knew me to find me here. Of 
course a select group would be invited but there is one group which I 
wanted to avoid but now the realisation has hit.

My previous attempts at anonymity have failed. So now I am at the 
point where I could not be bothered any longer . Why the fear considering that my blogs do not hurt anyone? I blog about happy things, funny things, 
stupid things and occasional profound things but mostly about happy 
things. Mainly because I am a super blessed man and should I really be 
shy or embarrassed about that?


M open now

Local Movies

I am not a fan of local television. It's usually full of cheesy sitcoms and some really horrendous local game shows. But as the TV lover that I am; I get my fix from downloaded shows usually from the US, so it's through the computer, to be tongue and cheek but it's the same lah.

Only time I watch TV is when I watch Formula One and the occasional soccer or rugby match.

So after the Grand Prix I decided to channel surf. I did have Dexter waiting on the computer but I got stuck at a local movie which I ended up watching.

Invisible Children, an art film which how quite a lot of local movies get labelled as, is a movie that presents a series of troubled lives in 'boxed-up', clean and slightly-stylised kind of setting of Singapore. To the foreigner, Singapore looks like a sanitised, inhumane, almost surreal kind of place but it's is home and just like any other place it has it's darkness and the constant theme of this movie was to run away, to escape and get lost in our own created worlds.

I guess that is why this show stuck with me and struck a quiet chord in me. I remember my focus to leave this place. I never wanted to stay and set up life here. Of course this was a good 10 years ago when I felt directionless and heading for a meaningless life of work and sleep.

Thank God for Maju and soon Mojo, who makes everything meaningful and purposeful. The chord is nothing but memory now.

What started out as movie review has turned into an appreciation of the life I decided to change and since then I have been blessed and surrounded by so much favour, grace and love.

M now a local indie movie fan

Monday, August 24, 2009

He Always Makes A Way

These past few weeks have been of quiet contemplation and reflection thus, the silence on the blog front. Mainly because my mind was clouded with many things that were work related. All this roots from my job adjustment. Yes this saga has been ongoing and I believe that it has finally close to a resting point.

So after all the political battles and the lack of clear direction, things have as usual come out in my favour! Yes really it has, they always do! Sometimes I wonder why I was worried to start with but I guess it is human nature to worry about things that are not there or things that are not certain.

I was so worried about how the new workload was going to affect me, and the last thing I wanted was the job to steal time away from the wife and Mojo, especially when she comes out. I would like to be there for every moment, if possible, I know I can’t but I wish I can spent all my time with her. But at the end of the day my workload rather than being added on to was halved. Yes really, halved! Best of all, it was not me who wanted to have it halved, it was taken from me happily. This has to be God, making His way in my life to see things coming for good.

Over the past few days, I heard of some new developments through unofficial channels. It got me not so much worried but just a little concerned. First thing on my mind was Maju and Mojo, and how it will affect my time with them. On one hand it was good for my career but on the down side it also meant myself being neck deep in managerial politics, corporate subterfuge and backstabbing, which honestly does NOT appeal to me. I’d rather be neck deep in dirty Mojo diapers!

Being concerned over this, I just heard today from the same unofficial channel that this was not going to happen for me. This could be viewed as a setback career wise but, I believe it can wait for another day because my job and position will always be there but the time with my Maju and Mojo will never be replaced. I understand this concept and so I do not want to miss a thing at all. I leave this divine intervention again to my Jesus, who always makes a way for me to have what I truly and sincerely desire.

M super blessed!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Fruity Muse

The wife has a colleague who sit next to her, who is a fruit aficionado. In case you are wondering he ain’t gay but lets not go there. She has been raving to me about these great fruits from Japan which cost an arm and a leg which are simply out of this world as well as some other exotic fruits, that this guy eats.

First there were the Japanese strawberries which did not impress me that much. The cost was pretty imageok, it was not “arm and leg” sort but she insisted the more expensive ones are divine. I was not convinced. Then there was the Donut Peach. I first saw this in my office fridge, and I was utterly disgusted because it looked like a near rotten peach which had been left there to it’s own devices for a long time, which was the fate of quite a few items in this fridge. I even took a picture and looking at it could you blame me?

Eventually I learned they are meant to look that way and are indeed a proper fruit in its own right. So one day the wife brought some home (courtesy of the fruit aficionado) and so I tried them. The taste was “psycho”! Simply out of this world; juicy, sweet, fleshy and just wow! I was left with a rather ugly looking wrinkly nut at the end which was an expected end to a truly unexpected taste. image

Then there was our date night when we went to Inagiku, which is a pretty fine Japanese restaurant in Singapore. The food was ok, and the wife told me the desserts are amazing so I ordered the Musk Melon, which the menu listed it at $30 (we have a 50% discount and hey its date night!). Thinking it was going to be something amazing! I was greeted with this, a measly single slice of melon with some fancy knife work . Sorry for the already eaten picture, it was after eating it, feeling super disappointed that I decided to capture it. Utter disappointment and overpriced. 

Continuing on our unintentional Japanese obsession and our Ramen dinner last night we decided to take a walk into the Japanese market. The wife grabbed this:


Looks like a simple bunch of grapes. Seeing the “Air Flown” sticker and a larger than normal grape globes I was expecting an unusual price. When the cashier rang it up it was $19.90, my eyes bulged at the wife.

She answered me, hey you always tell me how I don’t let you try these exotic fruits so there. I was skeptical to say the least. Reaching home I grabbed the camera to capture this momentous occasion of eating these 20 buck Kyoho grapes which is what they are to be exact.

imageEver tried Bubble Yum Grape? Well that is exactly how these tasted but only better because it was an actual grape and not some chemical compound. The sweetness and the richness of the taste was surprising, to the point I suspected they were genetically modified. They aren’t. I could not eat them all because they were so sweet I felt my throat was getting scratchy and thought it best to save them bar risking a cough.

Now the wife says she wants to try the $80 bunch of grapes once Mojo is delivered. How about these babe!

Japanese Grapes: Only $900 a Bunch

M still skeptical

Thursday, August 06, 2009

What’s in a Name

In case, you have noticed or you are new to Majimo Blogs, I am going to have a baby girl due sometime in early December, which incidentally is the best month! So among all the logistics, planning and execution that goes into an undertaking such as the introduction of a new human life. Another thing to consider is a name.

Do not be so shocked, the fella is currently known as Mojo but, we are not so cruel to leave her name as that. Well to be frank the thought did cross my mind. But imagine if I lost her in a supermarket and the announcement came, “Will the parents of Mojo, please come and collect your Mojo at the information counter!” The guy at the counter will be expecting Austin Powers & Felicity Shagwell for sure! So the Mojo name got dropped. Moreover the countless number of taunts would just be ridiculous.

So what’s in a name:

  • Something exotic – something unique so no Jane or Mary (nothing against these names).
  • No space age or new age – Tallulah Belle, Moon Unit or Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Geldof.
  • Perhaps French – to maintain some ties to French heritage like my name.
  • Something that will not be made fun off – as the resident nick name giver at school, I do not want my girl to suffer the same fate I inflicted on many.
  • Something biblical – not a hard rule but a preference but no Ruth or Sarah too common.
  • Something strong yet gentle (ok I just thought of this one and I am putting it out there)

Some reader participation is required. So folks, please chime in on possible names.

M Pondering

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Baby Cometh

4 months to go and there is much to do. Things to buy, things to prepare, things to ensure are in place, people to meet, and of course the mental preparation needed to wrap our heads around parenthood. Oh yes, I forgot to mention the enormous amount of literature to read to get prepared and informed.

One of my many great strengths in the workplace is project management. So I think it is time to take control and ensure all things are in place. 5 key drivers:

1) Facilities Management

  • Out with the old – a major cleaning needs to take place. This involves the clearing of one the “study room” which has morphed into a store room which actually is more of junk room. (Immediate Action)
  • Putting in place some semblance of a “moving” nursery which will welcome Mojo. (Needs future action)
  • Logistical plan of housing a possible total of 5-6 adults + Mojo in a house with 2 actual rooms, one study and an attic. (Needs future action)

2) Vendor Management

A particular strength of mine when dealing with outsource partners in India or China but in this case, it’s 3 possible sets of vendors;

  • Confinement Lady – from Malaysia who speaks no English. (Already sorted)
  • Domestic Helper – Needs to be sourced through maid agencies and by God’s grace we will have someone exceptional. (Needs future action)
  • Infant Care – this has been on the cards for a while but has gone dormant and needs to be restarted. Time is running out here. (Immediate Action)

3) Acquisitions

This one is tough and expensive there is an excel sheet created by the wife which lists all the essentials that needs to be purchased for Mojo and her comfort, as well as our comfort.

  • 10 things related to infrastructure
  • 19 things for baby
  • 8 things for us, mainly Mum

I shall delegate this to the wife to track. Wife take note! (In progress)

4) Training and Development

For this I have been delinquent, relying on my now meager but then promising efforts, it is time to step up my game. Wife has been doing the necessary and I need to get with the program.

  • There is lots to read to get oneself ready – Parenting, Baby Development, Brain Development, Flash Cards, Music Enrichment and Early Nutrition all of which I have little or no formal idea. (Immediate Action)
  • Pre-Natal classes will supplement majority of the curriculum but self study would go a long way – Thank God. (Needs future action)

5) Recreation

My favorite portion of the plan because with every well executed plan and successful delivery there must be some fun and celebration. Does not need to be expensive but just some couple time. Its just as important as all other points and should never be overlooked!

  • Mandatory Date Night (minimum of one per month) – splash out! (Immediate Action)
  • Possible weekender trip – BKK, PEN, DPS? (Needs future action)
  • TV nights – something we both love and can do together (In progress)
  • Always live well, laugh often, love much! (On track)

M on a mission

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

As I was saying

It has been a while since I have blogged and that is due to many many different reasons. I have tried several times to blog over the past few weeks but I was always left with incomplete posts that are now saved in my drafts folder. Perhaps I may complete some of them and post ‘em or leave them to oblivion.

But just to get everyone up to date on the happenings and essentially get this stuff out of my system:

  1. Mojo is officially a girl, it is now 100% certain. I bought her first outfit the other day and I am so happy.
  2. I finally got the new iPhone 3GS, no queuing just a longer wait. Finally a new toy.
  3. Work has sort of settled down to a steady pace, ahhhh.
  4. A major scare on the family front but in the end all is well. Could have been much worse but thank God it was not.
  5. I just got myself a CPAP machine, so now the wife and me are getting sound sleep. Truly life changing!
  6. Felt Mojo for the first time kicking on the inside of the wife’s belly. Truly an amazing feeling.

Overall, life is good as it has always been. Much to be thankful for and much to look forward to. I thank God for such a rich life as only He can provide.

M Content.