Monday, August 31, 2009

Local Movies

I am not a fan of local television. It's usually full of cheesy sitcoms and some really horrendous local game shows. But as the TV lover that I am; I get my fix from downloaded shows usually from the US, so it's through the computer, to be tongue and cheek but it's the same lah.

Only time I watch TV is when I watch Formula One and the occasional soccer or rugby match.

So after the Grand Prix I decided to channel surf. I did have Dexter waiting on the computer but I got stuck at a local movie which I ended up watching.

Invisible Children, an art film which how quite a lot of local movies get labelled as, is a movie that presents a series of troubled lives in 'boxed-up', clean and slightly-stylised kind of setting of Singapore. To the foreigner, Singapore looks like a sanitised, inhumane, almost surreal kind of place but it's is home and just like any other place it has it's darkness and the constant theme of this movie was to run away, to escape and get lost in our own created worlds.

I guess that is why this show stuck with me and struck a quiet chord in me. I remember my focus to leave this place. I never wanted to stay and set up life here. Of course this was a good 10 years ago when I felt directionless and heading for a meaningless life of work and sleep.

Thank God for Maju and soon Mojo, who makes everything meaningful and purposeful. The chord is nothing but memory now.

What started out as movie review has turned into an appreciation of the life I decided to change and since then I have been blessed and surrounded by so much favour, grace and love.

M now a local indie movie fan