Tuesday, August 04, 2009

As I was saying

It has been a while since I have blogged and that is due to many many different reasons. I have tried several times to blog over the past few weeks but I was always left with incomplete posts that are now saved in my drafts folder. Perhaps I may complete some of them and post ‘em or leave them to oblivion.

But just to get everyone up to date on the happenings and essentially get this stuff out of my system:

  1. Mojo is officially a girl, it is now 100% certain. I bought her first outfit the other day and I am so happy.
  2. I finally got the new iPhone 3GS, no queuing just a longer wait. Finally a new toy.
  3. Work has sort of settled down to a steady pace, ahhhh.
  4. A major scare on the family front but in the end all is well. Could have been much worse but thank God it was not.
  5. I just got myself a CPAP machine, so now the wife and me are getting sound sleep. Truly life changing!
  6. Felt Mojo for the first time kicking on the inside of the wife’s belly. Truly an amazing feeling.

Overall, life is good as it has always been. Much to be thankful for and much to look forward to. I thank God for such a rich life as only He can provide.

M Content.