Monday, August 24, 2009

He Always Makes A Way

These past few weeks have been of quiet contemplation and reflection thus, the silence on the blog front. Mainly because my mind was clouded with many things that were work related. All this roots from my job adjustment. Yes this saga has been ongoing and I believe that it has finally close to a resting point.

So after all the political battles and the lack of clear direction, things have as usual come out in my favour! Yes really it has, they always do! Sometimes I wonder why I was worried to start with but I guess it is human nature to worry about things that are not there or things that are not certain.

I was so worried about how the new workload was going to affect me, and the last thing I wanted was the job to steal time away from the wife and Mojo, especially when she comes out. I would like to be there for every moment, if possible, I know I can’t but I wish I can spent all my time with her. But at the end of the day my workload rather than being added on to was halved. Yes really, halved! Best of all, it was not me who wanted to have it halved, it was taken from me happily. This has to be God, making His way in my life to see things coming for good.

Over the past few days, I heard of some new developments through unofficial channels. It got me not so much worried but just a little concerned. First thing on my mind was Maju and Mojo, and how it will affect my time with them. On one hand it was good for my career but on the down side it also meant myself being neck deep in managerial politics, corporate subterfuge and backstabbing, which honestly does NOT appeal to me. I’d rather be neck deep in dirty Mojo diapers!

Being concerned over this, I just heard today from the same unofficial channel that this was not going to happen for me. This could be viewed as a setback career wise but, I believe it can wait for another day because my job and position will always be there but the time with my Maju and Mojo will never be replaced. I understand this concept and so I do not want to miss a thing at all. I leave this divine intervention again to my Jesus, who always makes a way for me to have what I truly and sincerely desire.

M super blessed!