Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baby Update

We are now 78 days away from EDD. We are on track with most things but there is still quite a bit to do mainly in terms of logistics and house rearrangement to accommodate the Mojo and the rest of the good folks who have been lined up, hired, or roped into help out in her post arrival.

The wife is getting big and she is having some difficulty adjusting herself to the additional load. Imagine carrying a 10KG backpack everywhere you go and I mean everywhere! Its tough! Not to mention the other changes going on. Its amazing what mothers to be go through, a true labour of love!

Aside from this we are just trying to enjoy these 78 days, in the same spirit of laughing and utter nonsense that we love. Tomorrow is another visit to the gynae so more sonogram pictures will follow.

M can’t wait!


Anonymous said...

excitingggggg! december is the BESTEST month to be born :D so you all decided yet! what to christen mojo.