Friday, January 08, 2010

In the minds of people

Recently I had the privilege of talking to someone who had some insights into how a certain group of people perceived me. In a sense, I knew I was going to hear things that I was going to be affected by either mentally and emotionally but the need to hear this “feedback” was too intense. Did I mention that the people who said these things about me were people I rub shoulders with everyday? Well they are and of course they are not aware that these words of their were reaching me.

As expected the words were surprising and some of them cut like daggers. Most of the words used and conclusions said were either based on erroneous interpretation and the awareness of part of the picture but as we all know in life, we are never privy to the full picture.

I sometimes wonder to myself why such situations occur. Sometimes good intentions results poorly and misinterpretations are so frequent that at times, trying to be extra nice to certain people might not be worth much effort. A cynical view? Perhaps? Does that stop me from having good intentions? Its unlikely that it will stop me.

On the other side of the coin, why do people crave feedback so much? Why when feedback is not given we are left wondering? Wondering so much so that it leaves us in a state of loss. But in the rare case when the feedback is given it is often received with denial and angst at first followed by a time of soul searching. This is such a soul searching post.

One thing I am glad to know is that one person sees all things. And after seeing all things He does not judge, persecute or look at us any differently. I take comfort in such a person watching over me.

M Discovering


twentyonepurplehorses said...

it's hard for people not to be jealous & say mean things when His favor & spotlight is on you :) His gd opinion of You is what matters and oh, did i mention that at least now you know who your true friends are? :)

Majimo said...

Yes it is true. These trials over the past few months have been very revelatory to me. People who I believe could be trusted ended up being the main instigators.

Oh well, God Bless them all lah.

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