Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Incidental Shopper

image One of my greatest joys as a Dad is to buy clothes for my little girl. I simply can't resist these cute little rompers, t-shirts and dresses. Gosh, what's happening to me.

I have been responsible for the majority of Sophie's wardrobe that is, other than the clothes she got from her older cousins.

I normally never leave my office to head out for lunch unless it's absolutely necessary. But today I left the office after a late finishing meeting to get some clothes for my little girl. I found a shop selling cute branded clothes at low prices. So that's a good score for Daddy.

M a baby shopaholic


AnnSecret said...

How cute of you to buy baby clothes for your daughter! I demand to see pictures of your baby girl in her new cute clothes -- preferably in pink :)

Anonymous said...

omg how cute is that! With little pockets even!

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