Friday, March 05, 2010

The Mug Shot

Have you ever gone back and looked at old identity cards, perhaps even old student ids or even an old passport and looked at your mug shot and said,  “Gosh what was I thinking?” I know I have on several occasions.

With the wife going back to work soon, the idea came to take a short trip before the “pillar hugging” starts (private joke). There was a possibility of going overseas as well, so we had to get the little one the necessary documentation. I was particularly excited because I was going to take her passport photo. So after a few tries we ended up with this:

Sophie Dorett PassportI can’t wait for the day for her to start talking coherently and for her to tell me what she thinks of this picture.  I imagine her saying “Dad, did you run out of hair gel or something, come on what were you thinking?” I’d probably reply “Cute what?!!”

M loving every moment