This post was written quite a while ago but I am only posting it now. It took a bit of soul searching and inward reflection to get to a place where I was comfortable to share. So here goes;
Just before Chinese New Year (early Feb), I got the word that I was being let go, ironically it happened as I was watching the movie Up In The Air. It was a shock but, somehow I felt that He prepared me for this. I took the news well and chose to leave graciously.
To be honest, with this incident, I did feel anger which is only natural, as you can imagine but, I felt it for a good 20 minutes only. Following which my mental state was a mix of uncertainty as well as glee! Yes glee! This is really credit mainly to a super supportive wife, who alerted me to the silver lining as well as her similar experience a few years ago. My soon to be ex-colleagues called me the happiest “retrench-ee” they had ever seen. To be exact I was giving the option of the two “R”s, I chose resignation instead.
I have been wanting an exit for a while now. Of course I would have preferred it to be of my own doing but hey that's how the cookie crumbled. I was pretty satisfied with the package so I was not complaining. It was a case of true restful increase or in lay terms - paid holiday! So all things considered it worked out for the best.
Something else I did not complain about was the timing. The wife was going back to work soon and it meant that we (3 of us) could have some solid family time together. Believe me we did just that and to be honest it has been the happiest time in my life! So all in all it's been a time of blessed restful increase.
M humbly thankful
stay cool! more restful increase to come for the year am sure!
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