Sunday, May 09, 2010


Always under appreciated and very often taken for granted. Society has always labeled a mother's job as being easier than going out to work. Though I am glad that this notion is changing, personally being the primary caregiver of Sophie this past month, I can attest to the devotion, the unique heart and endurance it takes to be "MOM"

We folks who head out for work have it easy. If we feel demotivated at work we can always head out for a quick latte or have a chat to a colleague for relief. A mom hardly has this luxury, when she's demotivated she sucks it up and changes that dirty diaper, makes that bottle of milk or tries to pacify the crying child. But the greatness comes from the fact that moms are never demotivated and each thing they do is a labour of love. I am sure that none of us attend meetings, or give that presentation, or polish off that report in the labour of love vein.

I guess that's what separates mothers from the rest of us. It's all a labour of love. It's that consistent, unwavering and intense passion that allows or rather necessitates them to dig deep each and everyday. If our workday was anything like a mother's we'd be job hunting and quitting.

So Mums, here's to you and all the things you do. My admiration for you is bountiful but it cannot be compared to that labour of love. Nothing comes close to you!

Happy Mothers Day!


Laura said...

That's a nice tribute and all the more special given the relationship you have with your wife and Sophie.

Majimo said...

Thanks Laura! I guess the true appreciation of mothers come only when we have children of our own.