Thursday, July 08, 2010

7 months on!

image With Sophie crossing the 7 month mark of her life with us, she has developed so much that we are now starting to see her as an individual with her own character and personality. For me the greatest joy is to see a certain trait that resembles me. Like how she gently moves her feet to feel the bed fabric is something that I do till today. It's things like this, that underscores that she is part of me.

Another person crossing a milestone is..., actually it's both of us, becoming 7 month old parents. The journey has been amazing and challenging but a joyful challenge for sure. We have gone from parents who have no idea what to do with a screaming child to what I would like to call as instinctive parenting. We have become so intuned with Sophie that we more or less know what to expect from her. Of course she does throw us a few curve balls here and there to keep us on our toes but in time we are up to it.

Looking ahead there is so much more to experience and to see. I look forward to Sophie's development as I bask in the glory of being privileged to be a parent to my little sweetheart.

M Basking