Monday, July 05, 2010



No this is not the model number of one of my new gadgets but it is a new running program I am following. Yes you heard me right, running. I know that in the past I may have said that running is for losers because it is utterly boring but, I decided to give it a try after reading about this program.

image C25K basically mean Couch to 5K as in 5 kilometres. Its a 9 week program consisting of 3 time a week 30 minutes exercise routines. When I say exercise its basically a combination of brisk walking and running. The focus of the program is not so much distance but more consistency. Moreover the program is designed to minimize injuries which is probably the key reason why I dislike running so much. I know its the easiest and the quickest way to lose weight and get active but whenever I start it, I get injured and have to stop thus killing whatever momentum I had.

So far I am in the 2nd week and its has been really good. Unfortunately, I have been sick of late and that has sort of hampered my consistency. I intend to get going the moment I am better, because surprisingly I have found running to be not as boring as I thought.

So this time its the case of the mind being willing but the body being weak.

M running