Thursday, July 22, 2010

Undiscovered Treasures

A few weeks ago my cousin from the UK who was backpacking around South East Asia arrived at his final destination of his trip in Singapore. Since I was available, I volunteered to be his driver and go along with him for some sightseeing.

With tourists, the normal programme would be shopping and eating in Singapore. If they wanted to see some tourist attractions, the Singapore Zoo, Sentosa perhaps Chinatown and Little India for the culturally inclined are some place that might be on the cards. But backpackers normally come with a list of activities all planned out thanks to their trusty Lonely Plant guide books.

His first stop was the Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery. When he told me that I was dumbfounded and never knew that Singapore had a monastery that was worth seeing. Come on Singaporeans how many of you know about the Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery?

To add insult to injury, after a bit of a search we found that the place was just under 4KM from my parents place, where I have lived for about 33 years. Just under my nose. So now I had to see this place! I was blown away with the size of the place and also the fact that it was a perfect day for taking photos! Blue blue sky in Singapore not a regular occurrence.

Have a see!

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M Amazed