Monday, April 04, 2011

Internet Hell

As previously posted, I kinda figured out why I haven't blogged for a while.

I have been stuck in Internet Hell! This is an unpublished post I wrote on Notepad back in Sept 2010 but never got published because it was unable to get the post out from my work computer literally.

==========Post start

Joy of all joys, I am back to work! Yippee! What’s more I am back to a large UK based company, with cavernous office and heaps of employee benefits. Far cry from my previous company. But all this comes at a price. Being an investment bank, the security is tight,……. very tight. Especially in the area of internet security. Thus the title, internet hell. It’s amazing how dependent I was on things like Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Facebook, Google Reader and Dropbox. All of which when navigated to is greeted with a “Restricted Access” page.

There is no wifi, so my only window into normalcy is via my trusty iPhone, though I have to contend with Singtel’s 3G network. Today I tried to visit the wife’s blog not to realize I can’t see any of the pictures! What the …….. Haizzz where’s that iPhone.

M stifled
======== Post end

So what's changed? See the next line;-).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

M Testing