Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Unknown, Retrenchment, Roaches & Silly Molos

The past few weeks have been revelatory for the wife and me. We are venturing into the unknown as we grasp with something new. It is exciting but sometimes scary but mostly exciting challenging sort, for me personally. I guess that is part of life’s journey or shall I say rollercoaster without sounding too much like Mr Keating.

Also there has been news in the air about retrenchment and to eventually see the axe coming for some selected guys who I work with closely is tough. I understand the rationale behind it but the idea and the knowledge that something like our jobs that we sometimes take for granted can be changeable is awakening. BUT for me, I know lah; nothing can come near me, as I am protected, just like how I am from the swine flu. It may sound strange to some but its true, just need to apply it.

As for roaches and silly molos, I think they fall into the same paragraph. In case, you wondering what a “molo” is, it’s my terminology for a bozo. I do not want to pinpoint my encounter with the silly molo (as there have been a few) in question as it is pointless but know that I am not deterred or derailed. And since we are on the subject, I also had an encounter with roaches two nights in a row that I have been a little tramatised. I was actually woken up from my sleep by its scurrying and eventually Baygon-ed the buggers. Now I can’t seem to shake the idea of roaches from my mind when I sleep, thus leading to a string of sleepless nights.

But God-incidentally, I saw this yesterday from The One Thing, as quoted:

Psalm 127:2
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for so He gives His beloved sleep.

God “gives His beloved sleep”. Who are His beloved? You and I! Because we are in Christ, we are His beloved. (Ephesians 1:6, 2 Thessalonians 2:13)

So there is no need to face these sleepless nights brought about by worry or fear because it is not worth much or it is in vain without Him being in control. I may have temporary success on my own but permanence can only be achieved by casting my cares to Him and letting Him handle it. So there; it has been cast and I am letting go now of ALL things!

M Free


Anonymous said...

Very nice blog! Bookmarked :)