I have all but given up on trying to be anonymous. When I first
started out blogging it was meant to be for myself and myself alone.
Of course a growing fan base would not hurt and basically it has been
a medium to meet some really awesome people, which I have.
What I did not want was people who already knew me to find me here. Of
course a select group would be invited but there is one group which I
wanted to avoid but now the realisation has hit.
My previous attempts at anonymity have failed. So now I am at the
point where I could not be bothered any longer . Why the fear considering that my blogs do not hurt anyone? I blog about happy things, funny things,
stupid things and occasional profound things but mostly about happy
things. Mainly because I am a super blessed man and should I really be
shy or embarrassed about that?
M open now
Me too Maji. I tried to maintain my anonymity but I, too, had failed miserably. I have a bunch of babbling friends to blame that for.
Yes indeed, in some moments I can say that I agree with you, but you may be inasmuch as other options.
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