Friday, March 19, 2010

Sleep Patterns Study

Sleep is one of the most important human functions that is essential to survival. We all do it and we all need it. Did you know that anything less than five minutes to fall asleep at night means you're sleep deprived. The ideal is between 10 and 15 minutes, meaning you're still tired enough to sleep deeply, but not so exhausted you feel sleepy by day.

In any case, I recently conducted a sleep study of Sophie. Here are my findings:


Sleep time usually begins after 100-130ml of milk, following a bout of burping and about 10 to 15 minutes of winding down (no sleep deprivation here) before the eventual “dreamtime” begins. This is followed by me swaddling Sophie so that her movements are minimised. This is just a delay tactic for the eventual result as will be shown eventually.image


The next stage that can happen anywhere between 5 minutes to 2-3 hours is the escape of the left hand. Always the left. This has led us to a possible pre-conclusion that Sophie is left handed.


The next stage is a mix of chaos and completely unpredictable in terms of timing or outcome thus, chaos. As is clearly shown by the next set of images captured on different days and sleep cycles, the results are random.



The next stage is the point between sleep and wake. This is a critical stage and the eventual outcome can be determined but is not always guaranteed by some careful steps. First with the introduction of a pacifier which will calm baby down followed by some light patting on the chest should return her back to sleep state. But as said earlier this is not a full guarantee as after a few minutes of sleep she might be in the next state as shown.image 


This is the end of the sleep cycle and is normally followed by a change of nappy and some fun smiley times of play and discovery.



No matter what the case maybe, sleep is always an interesting subject for us adults to ponder upon. No matter what the case maybe or the “sleep” stage which the baby is in, to adults it always guaranteed to bring a warm smile to your face.


M studying S!


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