Friday, April 23, 2010

Do you speak baby?

Everyday is a new puzzle. Us adults are trying and trying to figure out why she is crying, or not drinking her milk or not wanting to sleep. What amazes me, is that there is always some explanation why things are not happening the way they are meant to happen. It is usually because there is something the “all knowing” adults have missed. It can get a little frustrating, I must admit because I sometimes get completely stumped.

Like today, after her afternoon nap she normally wakes up hungry and as usual I start to make milk, its a cocktail of EBM and Formula. So when feeding commences, she is not drinking. She’s struggling, complaining and so I tell myself not hungry, so I feed later. But it has been 4 hours since her last feed, she should be starving. So I try again after 15 minutes. Same result.

Perhaps she is wet, but the indicator on the diaper is still yellow not blue (blue is wet), the quality control engineer thinks maybe this diaper is defective just change. After the change, still the same result. Sweat is forming on my brow at this point. Hmmmm….perhaps its too warm lets move to the room. Nope! Same same!

After 4 attempts, I realise that she is really not hungry but she is whining that “hungry whine”. I try one more time and she rejects it. At this point, I am exasperated so I turn to prayer, I look intensely at the bottle and say “God, you have blessed us with this milk, Sophie will drink this with delight”. My intense stare at the bottle gives me my divine answer, WRONG TEAT!

Teat swapped and babe drinks, 140ML in under 10 minutes. So clearly, I do not speak baby, but my Heavenly Father does!

M enjoying Fatherhood

Playing Hookey

It’s funny. Its the 2nd week of Sophie at infant care, and in these two weeks she has stayed home 3 days. Of course this has been at my discretion because honestly, being at home without the little bugger is quite challenging. After I drop her off, I head for some breaky and then home. Once home, I count down to the time to pick her up. So rather than doing that these few days she has been wagging.

Not the best of examples that I am setting considering the fact that in 1992, I skipped a total of 73 days of school! But of course it’s only hookey, wagging, ponteng or truant when it is compulsory schooling and since infant care is somewhat “voluntary”, we are volunteering NOT to go. Perhaps the separation anxiety is still apparent………….who cares!

Oh well, I need to fully make use of this time as it is irreplaceable and precious. I have been given a great opportunity to spend this time with her and till I head back to work which will be soon, I want to spend that time with my little girl. What can I say, she’s my No. 2! If I could have my No.1 with me as well, then it would be bliss. Ah TGIF, means that the 3 of us will be back together again!

Happy Friday!

M super pleased!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Separation Anxiety

Another new experience for me. Tuesday this week was the first day for Sophie at Infant Care. Yes some of you might be scratching your heads wondering how can a 4 month old baby be placed into paid care. If you are one of these people: Sod Off!

Anyways the first day went by pretty smoothly. We left her there for half day and since we dropped her off late, she was only there for a few hours.

Today would be the real test. Kids are resilient unlike us adults. On Day 1,the wife was feeling the separation anxiety big time, I was ok. To be honest I was prepared and I knew if I was too emotional, I can picture us standing outside the child care centre, in the middle of the business district hugging each other as tears streaming down our faces. Hahahaha so mama drama.

However Day 2, I did the drop off by myself. Struggling with a stroller, some documents in hand and a large  baby bag, I fumbled to sign the check in sheet. Temperature was taken and before I knew it she was taken away.

I stood there alone and lost. I didn't say my usual bye bye and give her a kiss. I was, for lack of a better word, a victim of separation anxiety. I aimlessly walked out of the centre and headed for breaky.

As I ponder now over my toast and coffee, I can't help but wonder what Sophie is doing. Is she wondering why her daddy did not say bye and kiss her?Oh shit tears are forming. Mama drama liao.

M missing my 2 girls

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blog inspiration

The last time I did a post similar in nature I was introduced to some
outstanding blogs.

I have collected a few more and have been following them via RSS. But
most of them have fizzled out barr for a few which are still great
reads. So I am now asking my collective and mostly silent audience to
recommend me some of their favourite blogs.

Tell me which blogs you visit daily and feel disappointed when there
is no new post up.

M in need of inspiration

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Lotsa Expression

When I first posted the first pictures of Sophie on my blog and Facebook, one comment that stayed with me was “she has so many different expressions”. It’s true, normally most kids under 4 months, very have few expressions. Here are the standard faces:

The Straight Face


The “Please Do Not Cut My Toes” Face


The Fully Fed Face – complete with drool


Of course there are The Smiley Faces that just melts all hearts:

image image


Starting the “non-standard” faces there are The Flustered and Harassed Face


The “You Owe Me Money” Face


One of my favourites, The "What you talkin' bout Willis?" Face.


Of course we have The Concerned Blur Face as well


and once in a while you get The Disguised Look where you wonder, “Hmmm who is this ah?”


The Hurriedly Worried Face


The Butch Face


The KKK Face


And of course The Coy and Adorable Face


Yes indeed Sophie does have many looks and she keeps us entertained. Here’s look’in at you kid.


M a Proud Daddy

Touchy Touchy

These past few days, I have been spending much time in the word. Recently PP has been speaking about meditation over God's word and how a verse can become so real in one's life. It's pretty hard to explain 
but suffice to say the wife got it down pretty well as she blogged here.

For me, every few days I find a verse that jumps out at me and that would be my meditation verse. What I also do is to make this verse as my Facebook status, just for fun.

What I did not expect was the verbal melée that ensued via status comments each time I made a posting. One thing is for sure religion is a touchy subject especially for the misinformed, misguided and misunderstood. I wanted to copy and paste the thread but after 14 comments, a blow by blow account would be too cumbersome.

It’s funny how people are quick to blame God for the things that He “made” us do. One of God’s greatest gifts to us is free will which is defined “as the ability to make a choice without coercion”. Lest we forget the consequences.

M Praying