Friday, April 23, 2010

Do you speak baby?

Everyday is a new puzzle. Us adults are trying and trying to figure out why she is crying, or not drinking her milk or not wanting to sleep. What amazes me, is that there is always some explanation why things are not happening the way they are meant to happen. It is usually because there is something the “all knowing” adults have missed. It can get a little frustrating, I must admit because I sometimes get completely stumped.

Like today, after her afternoon nap she normally wakes up hungry and as usual I start to make milk, its a cocktail of EBM and Formula. So when feeding commences, she is not drinking. She’s struggling, complaining and so I tell myself not hungry, so I feed later. But it has been 4 hours since her last feed, she should be starving. So I try again after 15 minutes. Same result.

Perhaps she is wet, but the indicator on the diaper is still yellow not blue (blue is wet), the quality control engineer thinks maybe this diaper is defective just change. After the change, still the same result. Sweat is forming on my brow at this point. Hmmmm….perhaps its too warm lets move to the room. Nope! Same same!

After 4 attempts, I realise that she is really not hungry but she is whining that “hungry whine”. I try one more time and she rejects it. At this point, I am exasperated so I turn to prayer, I look intensely at the bottle and say “God, you have blessed us with this milk, Sophie will drink this with delight”. My intense stare at the bottle gives me my divine answer, WRONG TEAT!

Teat swapped and babe drinks, 140ML in under 10 minutes. So clearly, I do not speak baby, but my Heavenly Father does!

M enjoying Fatherhood