Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Touchy Touchy

These past few days, I have been spending much time in the word. Recently PP has been speaking about meditation over God's word and how a verse can become so real in one's life. It's pretty hard to explain 
but suffice to say the wife got it down pretty well as she blogged here.

For me, every few days I find a verse that jumps out at me and that would be my meditation verse. What I also do is to make this verse as my Facebook status, just for fun.

What I did not expect was the verbal melée that ensued via status comments each time I made a posting. One thing is for sure religion is a touchy subject especially for the misinformed, misguided and misunderstood. I wanted to copy and paste the thread but after 14 comments, a blow by blow account would be too cumbersome.

It’s funny how people are quick to blame God for the things that He “made” us do. One of God’s greatest gifts to us is free will which is defined “as the ability to make a choice without coercion”. Lest we forget the consequences.

M Praying


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