Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Separation Anxiety

Another new experience for me. Tuesday this week was the first day for Sophie at Infant Care. Yes some of you might be scratching your heads wondering how can a 4 month old baby be placed into paid care. If you are one of these people: Sod Off!

Anyways the first day went by pretty smoothly. We left her there for half day and since we dropped her off late, she was only there for a few hours.

Today would be the real test. Kids are resilient unlike us adults. On Day 1,the wife was feeling the separation anxiety big time, I was ok. To be honest I was prepared and I knew if I was too emotional, I can picture us standing outside the child care centre, in the middle of the business district hugging each other as tears streaming down our faces. Hahahaha so mama drama.

However Day 2, I did the drop off by myself. Struggling with a stroller, some documents in hand and a large  baby bag, I fumbled to sign the check in sheet. Temperature was taken and before I knew it she was taken away.

I stood there alone and lost. I didn't say my usual bye bye and give her a kiss. I was, for lack of a better word, a victim of separation anxiety. I aimlessly walked out of the centre and headed for breaky.

As I ponder now over my toast and coffee, I can't help but wonder what Sophie is doing. Is she wondering why her daddy did not say bye and kiss her?Oh shit tears are forming. Mama drama liao.

M missing my 2 girls