Monday, July 12, 2010

Red Hot Chilli Peppers

It's harvest! A month ago we planted a little herb garden in the plot outside our house. Since then we have been diligently watering and watching the "fruits" start to pop out. So after a little bit of impatience, I have finally decided to take a pair of scissors to prune these little wonders._MG_5658

One of them was clearly chilli padi but the other was not so clear. The pot was labelled as yellow chilli but after a few Googles I was doubtful. After harvesting and cutting into it, I realized that they are baby bell peppers. So the obvious thing to make was anti pasti!


Of course the chilli padi got sliced and doused in soy sauce and lime juice. The baby bell peppers were quartered, pan roasted till slightly charred and lightly fried with lots of olive oil and seasoning. Looks positively yummy as that was as close as I got to it with my recovering wisdom tooth extracted jaw which has reduced me to the same textural diet as Sophie!

M harvesting  


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