Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Times

One thing that has happened with the arrival of Mojo, is that the wife and I are spending lots more time together.

We already spend a lot of time together, more so than most couples. But now there seems to be a difference and to be honest I can't really put my finger on what it is. But there is something.

There is more need to lean on one another, more cooking collaborations or rather home cooking, more TV comfort food and just overall fun, laughter and madcap nonsense from Maju & Maji.

So even though the mountains may challenge and depths confound, we will always maintain that forever happy and crazy outlook, cause it's so much better when faced together in one accord.

M Happy


delicateflower said...

How wonderful to see you talk about 'one accord' and your increased togetherness.. it is a beautiful thing and this strengthened bond will help so much as the baby comes into your lives.
Blessings on you both.