Monday, June 01, 2009

My Take on How to be a Better Father

I know this is premature but there is no way to fully prepare oneself for Fatherhood, so here are some pointers for where I am starting at:

1. Time – Children spell Love as T.I.M.E and this time is not spent in front of the TV or head buried in a laptop but quality time. Once they grow up there is no way of re-living the times lost. So before regret, establish that fatherly bond.

2. Love and Honour Moms – This is often forgotten but I feel it’s the most important, children are the best “mimicers” and if we show love, respect and honor towards our wives and their mothers, the child will know that 1) people are to be treated with respect and 2) when they grow up they know how to treat their partners.

3. Be the example – We can talk/lecture all we want to but, if we as fathers do not practice what we preach we are pointless. Kids physically grow up but mentally and emotionally they grow up by learning from us. We need to be the guide in a world without boundaries.

4. Hug them as often as you can – As men, we are often shy to show affection but, children have an uncanny knack of bringing on smiles. So don’t hold back on the affection; let go and show them your soft side, there will be time for seriousness when it is required.

5. Have Fun – Although this list may sound serious, the idea is to not talk things too seriously. Learn from them, as they will teach us invaluable lessons that no one else can. We need to show them, that we are happy and not stressed over needless things. Have fun no matter what!

6. Let Go and Let God - Fatherhood can be lonely. What are we to do when there is no one to turn to in tough situations, there is no father to the father. But with God as my eternal father in whom, I can always turn to when I am lost and He will show me the way in all things.

Honestly, I know these 6 points are certainly not exhaustive and I will be the first one to put my hand up and say that I am a NOOB as there is no way I know it all. But somehow I felt the need to put these points down following some research on the subject to which, I was surprised to find very little.

So what else do you reckon does it take to be a good father, chime in and teach me.

M Learning