Monday, December 07, 2009

Mojo Update

So we are now in the delivery suite. It's happening folks! Mojo is on
her way out.

Mum is at 4cm and Praise the Lord! the pain is minimal. Contractions
come in the way of backaches. This is of course after Prostin pill
inserted over 8 hours ago. Gynae was expecting her to be in more pain
but she isn't! My super trooper!

Doc has suggested to start the drip so as to expedite the process. So
all in all Mum is doing well. She's as cool as Mojo!

As for me, I just doing silly things. Trying to take my blood pressure
with the machine, inhaling Oxygen in a hope to have a high. Hahahaha
well that me always up to something funny, so not as cool as my two

Anyhow I think our motto for the moment is "Go with the flow and
glow!" so that's what we are doing.

Mojo is coming!