Monday, December 21, 2009

New Life, New Banner

“Life as you know it will cease to exist” so said a friend of mine, in a rather negative way. Your freedom will be a thing of the past, your level of responsibility will increase dramatically, you will become more and more tired and you will lose more hair, if not it will get greyer like mine, he continued to expound.

QN: So has life changed?

ANS: For sure, now it is more full than it was previously. I have more to look forward to each day, previously I looked forward to spending time with the wife, now I can look forward to time with wife and Sophie.

QN: Do you have less freedom?

ANS: Do not really think so considering I am homely guy. Perhaps this question is more pertinent for the wife. LOL!

QN:Has your level of responsibility gone up?

ANS: For sure it has but I think it has gone up in a good “Circle of Life” kinda way.

QN: Are you tired

ANS: Yes I am, I explained that I am so tired that to compare it would be like my Army Jungle Training in Brunei but, I am super overflowingly overjoyed by the tiredness.

QN: Hair Loss or Grey Hair?

ANS: Ok hair loss started way before Sophie’s arrival and to be honest it fine with me, as for grey, the wife finds the few grey hairs that I have very sexy. So bring it on!

M loving every minute

PS: If you have not noticed I have a new banner? Nice?


Anonymous said...

I like the new banner very much :)Love the hanging baby clothes.