Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Meaning to Life

As I completed the final appraisal for my team I was left wondering. The meaning of life that is. Being someone who is extremely close to my staff both at a professional and for some at a personal level, I was left wondering why is it so hard to find some sort of meaning and purpose to life.

OK, I too was confronted in my late 20s. I went through this as well; a search for a purpose and a sense of meaning to it all. I believe this is something everyone goes through. But why is it so hard? Shouldn't it be easier?

Is work and then procession home and the subsequent vegetation at home only to wake up to another day all we have to look forward to? I think not.

Personally I think we all should work hard to find what make you passionate about life. Don't let work busy you from looking for it. It has to be found by hook or by crook. You'd be missing out if you didn't take the time.

M purposeful