Monday, June 29, 2009

It’s a …..

So the much awaited gynae appointment passed last Saturday. Our last visit was over a month ago and I was really wondering what Mojo progress will be and in a certain sense I missed seeing the fella. So there was quite a bit of excitement for me. But what was more exciting was the fact that it was time to determine the sex of Mojo. Looking back at my previous posts, I am not sure if I mentioned what my preference was in terms of sex of Mojo. But in any case we were believing that it was a boy. More so with the “old wives” indicators; more morning sickness, pointy and high belly and when the father puts on more weight than mom during first trimester all pointed to Mojo being a boy.


Now we are in week 17, Mojo has grown and is now a full 98.6mm, the head with the eye sockets and nose and chin are more apparent. What is also visible but not apparent here, is Mojo’s fully formed bones which are all in the right place. So all is well, for me it was a sense of relief not that I was worried but, it was just comforting to see Mojo growing well and strong too. Mojo was rolling and turning around through out the visit.


As the gynae was talking to us, Mojo jumped to the other side of the womb. Here you can see the spine more clearly. So now, for the moment we have all been waiting for (at least for the two of us).

Is Mojo a He or a She? With all the movement and jumping that was going on Mojo managed to give us a glimpse of her bum and there was no birdy there so ladies and gentlemen, we are having a GIRL! For now it is 80% certain as per the gynae but in any case, for now we will go with the premise that Mojo is a her!


To be brutally honest, as I walked out of clinic, I was a little sad that Mojo was not a boy, I was looking forward to roughing things with him and doing whatever Fathers and Sons do but after a while it was not so much a downer because I was thinking of all the things I can do with HER and was getting excited:

  • I can date her for a movie and dinner when mum is out with her friends
  • I will teach her what to expect from a man
  • I can teach her to be street smart unlike her mum
  • I can look forward to terrorizing her prospective boyfriends when that time comes.

And what’s better than being pampered not just by one girl but by two. I should be so blessed! Yes, I am an extremely blessed man!

M having a GIRL!


Kate said...

Congratulations! Any baby is truly a blessing!

Majimo said...

Thanks for the comment Kate.

That is so true, I am actually really happy that she is healthy and doing well which is really most important...