Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Joby, Kate Spade and the White Shirt

Yesterday was our 2nd wedding anniversary. Yes we are two years young and personally these two years have been the best years of my life. I am so glad for the Maju who has been my best friend and I look forward to more of our adventures together. Best of all, its another good reason to get and give presents!!!! So here’s the haul and damage…muhahahaha…

My Haul



Since it was rather close to Father’s Day the wife gave me my gift early. It was what I have been wanting, to complement my photographer gear. It was a Joby SLR Zoom tripod something to have when going on vacation rather than lugging around my heavy duty tripod, which I never do. 

Just a point for the photo enthusiast, this tripod does not come with a ball head that was purchased separately by the wife! Honestly this is a great tripod, light and easy to use. Highly recommended!



Next up was not really a planned purchase by the wife but since we were at the photo supply store she asked me if I still need to get the backup thingy when we travel. What it is is a backup drive to copy photos to when the card is full. After walking around Funan for a while the guy at the photo shop recommended me against this solution and said best to just get a big capacity cards. So here’s the next one!


That’s not all, I had lunch delivered to me from my favorite restaurant, Yellow Light. This was a little bit of a surprise not because of the food delivery but more the food deliverer. It was our good friend Patrick who was doing the wife a favour. Thanks Patrick for coming all the way. Best of all it was my favorite dishes Miang Kum, Pad Thai, and Red Rubies

What more can a guy ask for? Not much, but there was one more little cherry on top. I have been using the same pair of Ray Bans sunnies for 5 years now, was a gift from the wife during a trip to Brisbane. They served me well but have more or less fallen apart, so I have been wanting a new one. So the wife, put a gift “voucher” Maju style in a card when we had dinner.

Finally I am completely ready for our “Pre Parenthood” Trip now, thanks to Maju!

The Damage

Presents are not really my thing. I normally don’t do well with them but once in a while there is some brilliance and I guess I am proud of what I got this time. First wave was a set of books from MPH, sounds ordinary but believe they are not. I do not have a picture of them but they are rather useful and interesting books that she was looking out for, so just take my word for it. She found this stashed in the toilet on the 22nd. Thinking that was it, she was a little disappointed with just books, come on anyone would be, but of course that was not all.


The next morning she woke up to find her usual bag replaced with this. Its a Kate Spade Clementine Baby bag which she has been eyeing for a while. To make her look glam while trundling around with the Mojo with a nice looking bag hanging from the nice stroller, we are shopping for now. It actually comes with a strap to fasten to the stroller as well as a Kate Spade changing mat, so quite ingenious for women’s fashion. Oh well she loves it and that is what is important.

That was it as far as the planned presents for the wife. But one final event just to end of the post which somewhat falls into the damage department. I have a white shirt that I really like and I think I look good in. Problem with me, is that I almost always manage to mess it up in a small way during meals. Could be a splash of curry or sauce, so usually I am ultra careful when donning this shirt. So since we were both quite full from lunch we decided to have steamboat at our favorite Tian Fu Steamboat. I was ultra careful and every time I felt as though something splashed I would check my shirt, the wife was also careful to not be the cause of any spillage too.

So towards the end of meal when the broth level was low and we were at the last strips of beef, as I was about to take out a piece of meat when a splash of the hot broth hit my hand and I jerked….hard! All I heard was the sound of my chopsticks and bowl flying and hitting the ground and the realization that my worst fears were realized. I just could not help but laugh as we both broke out in silly laughter much to the shock and amazement of the other folks in the full restaurant.



To put it simply there is a picture in our kitchen which says “Live Much, Love Much, Laugh Much" which we bought randomly and I guess that sums US up.  We pamper each other the best way we know how and we try to make the best of what God has give us, and He has given us lots and we laugh as often as we get the chance to do so!

So babe, don’t stop living, loving and laughing, I won’t!!




delicate flower said...

What a sweet tribute to each other. I like the saying in your kitchen.. specially the 'laugh much' part...

fyi: baby poop and/or spit-up will surely be hitting that white shirt.. Get ready!

Majimo said...


You are right the days of being clean and pristine are more or less a memory.


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