Wednesday, June 10, 2009

“Pre Parenthood” Trip

Some couples like to mark their end of couple-hood and start of parenthood with a good vacation. Something substantial and memorable! And since the wife and me are seriously due for one, we thought we make this a good one. The planning started early! What was even better was that the best airline in the world; Singapore Airlines was having their 10th anniversary celebration and they had some really good deals. So time to take advantage.

Choices of destinations we had were: London, Sydney, Auckland and Zurich. After much debate and considering many many factors we decided on London and proceeded to book our tickets. It was completely free because we used our points and this got us two return Economy class tickets to London on the A380 (we still had to fork out some cash for the taxes though). I was excited, having never been to London.

We thought going to London alone would be a waste since essentially it is a city and I am not one for cities. So we looked around Europe for another destination and eventually settled on Italy. We almost settled on Paris, because we love Paris so much, but we decided to go someplace new. So the itinerary highlights of the Italy trip would be the following:


San Gimignano, Tuscany and the jewel of the trip the Amalfi Coast (below picture taken by MorBCN);

The flight we were booked for 19th May 2009. But as life would have it, we had to cancel as it would have proved to be too hard, with Maju is her preggers state, what with Europe being all about walking. It would not have been an enjoyable trip, so I saw no point to it. Good thing, well kinda good thing, was the fact since H1N1 was flying around the airline gave us a full refund and so we did not waste a single cent.

So are we giving up? Now way! We have found and booked us on a much more relaxing trip! In an effort to mark this milestone. So where to?

Picture from

Maldives baby! This island in particular! Looks psycho right! I will take some of my own pictures and share when we are back. For now we are just waiting for the days to pass by before wheels up!

M excited


Kate said...

These are great pictures! I hope traveling in going well while pregnant!

Kate said...

I mean while your wife is pregnant. I am so used to the "we" are pregnant. I think my husband suffered more while I was pregnant!

Majimo said...

Yeah the travelling was ok, it was good that we went on this beach holiday which was pretty laid back then a typical "go and see everything" type holiday

Well, to say I suffered would a bit of a stretch because the wife went through the pain and I was there to handhold so I think I had it easy.

Here are some links to those instances: