Thursday, November 27, 2008

Where have I heard that before?

A top 10 of irritating expressions has been compiled by researchers at Oxford University. I was kind if surprised to see the list and found it fairly unique. I personally try to formulate my sentences such that they are pleasing to the ear. With all due respect if it sounds nice and good to you, then it works; come on it's not rocket science. I used to get very irritated with people who butcher the English language using incorrect grammar and pronunciation, it's a nightmare! I used to heard it almost 24/7, so much so that I eventually became immune to it. At the end of the day, the world is becoming smaller and purist like me shouldn't of be so unforgiving to new learners of the tongue. At this moment in time, I am trying to learn French and I am sure at some point I am butchering this language of romance, but to be honest, I absolutely love it. Oh before I forget below is the list of the top 10 of irritating expressions as compiled by researchers at Oxford University:

The top ten most irritating phrases:

1 - At the end of the day

2 - Fairly unique

3 - I personally

4 - At this moment in time

5 - With all due respect

6 - Absolutely

7 - It's a nightmare

8 - Shouldn't of

9 - 24/7

10 - It's not rocket science

M hoping this made you laugh.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The 3 stooges

It has been a while since I have punched in some keys to a post, been busy or rather unmotivated. Not just to blog, but to do pretty much anything, well except for watching my comfort food lah. The past week has been one interesting week for me. It has been a rather pressurising week work wise, more than usual. I do not usually succumb to the daily pressures of work and whatever, but there are days or rather weeks when the accumulation adds up and I succumb like everyone else and become a different person…well a bit more like my old self actually. It's good that I am so familiar with myself now that I know when to do the needful when I get to this stage, well there are 3 stages to be exact. Well they are stooges really, because they are like 3 different people. Read on..It's going to be a long one.

1st stage – Impatience
Usually manifests itself on the road on the way to work. Well I am normally rather unforgiving to other stupid road users and some "personified road hazards" but when I am in this stage, I become the embodiment of a road hazard. I will get honked at more frequently because I cut some off too close or refuse to give way to someone else and basically become a big Meany on the road. Being a normally, patient person, no really, I do not get impatient with other things, it just manifests on the road.

2nd Stage – Cynicism and Snappishness
OK, I do know that I am a sarcastic person, blame it on growing up around people who are English powerhouses and who are quick to comment on basically anything, but I am self confessed person of the sarcastic inclination. However, add a little pent up frustration and unhandled stress my normally harmless and sometimes humorous sarcasm turns into downright cynicism. I start to have a problem with everything, and I mean everything. The negativity exudes and I have a beef with everyone except the wife of course. She is in a different and untouchable league but she becomes the sounding board of all this crap and she, poor girl, has to listen to the ranting. She is never the subject of the rant but she can become the innocent by stander.

3rd Stage – Retreat
The final stage. I am still trying to figure exactly what this stage is all about. What happens here is that I become quiet and reclusive. The stress level is at maximum at this point and there is no point engaging in witty conversations or discussion because it is likely to become heated, anger driven and personal. So the best thing to do is shut up and not say anything; because it is going to be hurtful. I am thankful somewhat for this stage that I have inbuilt within myself. Previously this will be typified as rage and mayhem, but that is gone now. Praise the Lord!! So I have this defense mechanism if you want to call it. When I get to this stage I become unreachable and the person that suffers (hmm OK that is a bit strong word to use) the most is my dear wife, because I know she needs me be the pillar that I usually am.

Solution: Yes there is one. Luckily or perhaps I should say Gracefully. Take a break from work; a day is all I need, sometimes even half day can oso, to spend alone preferably, soul searching and seeking that which is greater than ALL things, J he that has ears to hear let him hear. After that without a doubt I am good as new, or should I say old. Back to the old trusty pillar, that ya'll have come to love.

M back to old.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sound of Slience

Due to some circumstances, I am working from home today.

One thing I love about living where we are living is the ambient noise. Right now I hear the whirring sound of my overhead fan, the occasional chirping bird and the sound of crickets. I think that is true bliss is urban Singapore to be able to hear such silence and be so peaceful!

It maybe far from everywhere but this is home.

M wfh.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Laughter is the Best Medicine

There is nothing like having a good laugh. There are a few things that can make me actually laugh out loud. So when I find something that does that to me, I save them. Today, is one of those days when a good laugh is required.

So here is a little clip that I like to watch of the outgoing POTUS, that never fails to crack me up.

M Laughing out loud

Who, what, where??

Being caught off guard is something I really hate (see above picture). I mean everyone does but it has been happening to me more often these past few days. So the stress + frustration level has been higher than my initial expectation when Sunday turned into Monday. All I can say, is that I am glad we are in the better part of week and I pray that its going to downhill from here on in. One thing to look forward to is a makan session with my team, who are a bag of laughs and always do things to crack me up. Thank God for them!!

M working for the weekend.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Favourite Spot

So as to further drive the point of me being a couch potato, I am going to show ya'll my favourite spot at home. Yes it is the couch, as pictured. Its cumfy and it is the place where I am the most secure at home. When I have had a hard day at work, there is no other way for me to unwind than to sit here, and either watch some TV or surf the Internet. Wait, wait…. avert your thoughts of slobbish disgust; my TV is my computer, literally. I have hooked up my computer to our 27-inch LCD so I have a mega monitor. So this is not just a "watch TV" place, but a place to work, blog, edit my pictures, download stuff, surf, listen to music and of course to watch TV.

M lovin it

One Minute Writer

I recently started following a blog called the One Minute Writer. I found the concept rather interesting. I think we all have at some point had a prompting to write something, it could have started with writing in a diary about the day's events or could have been random notes jotted down somewhere. I used to love to write down these thoughts when I was on the bus but since I drive that opportunity has gone but the love of writing is still there and inspiration is everywhere.

So back to the One Minute Writer; what it does is that it gives a daily prompt and from this prompt we are to write whatever within one minute, if you take longer go ahead. The idea is to get the words flowing. If it lasts a minute so be it, if it lasts an hour, then it does ya. The adage is "You have 1440 minutes a day. Use one of them to write".

M writing

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Coffee Convert

I have always disliked the idea of paying 5 bucks for a cup of coffee. I just found the idea of it ridiculous when for 70 or 80 cents you can get some damn good traditional coffee.

That's the other thing our beloved Kopi, Kopi-O Kosong, etc have now been compartmentalised as traditional coffee. And the Lattes, Flat White, Espresso are now called designer coffee. Sheesh.
But when I went to study in Oz, designer coffee was the only option we had there so eventually I started to appreciate it.

After starting my current job for more than a year now. I have been utterly converted. Presenting Nespresso!

For the informed this is an über range of coffee machines and coffees from Europe which has recently been introduced in SG to much raving.

Yes we have a machine in the office and the coffee is FREE! What's more, recently we got a free machine upgrade to this Sci-Fi looking baby that blows the regular coffee drinker away. It make perfect coffees every time. I now need at least 3-4 shots of coffee a day. Convert now or slave? Convert lah, I still have my beloved Kopi on weekends.

M caffeinated.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Perfect Partner

So it has been 5 years to this day that we decided to try out this partnership. I remember the akward kiss (which neither of us were expecting thus the akwardness) we had at the train station as she was going to KL for a conference. And then two days later when she decided to come back early and surprise me as I was watching the 2003 Rugby World Cup Final.

Over the 5 years we have shared happy times, sad times, and painful times as we tempered our partnership. But now I can honestly say that I have found the perfect partner. Someone whom I look for in a crowded place, someone who needs to be close and reachable at all times, like a security blanket, someone with whom I can share my hopes, dreams, fear and frustrations, someone with whom I can travel the world with, and most importantly someone with whom I can share the rest of my life with as we start a new family.

So in tribute to this day, above is not a great picture but it is special because it’s the first picture that we took together. A first of many, I love you sweetheart Happy Anniversary.

Love M


As announcement girl strikes again, this time on a Friday night we are both at home. But she is out in the living room working on some random Oil and Gas company while I have been exiled to the room. Ok exile is an extreme description, its more self inflicted so that I can continue with my downloaded TV shows. On the menu today: True Blood, Dexter and Californication. Nice. If this is what my life has come to I thank God, that I am so fortunate! Life is beautiful, for me that is!!

M Blessed

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random Image #1

Over the years I have collected many random images that I shoot with my camera or my phone or whatever device that I have on me. The goal is the capture interesting and unusual images to share with my legion of fans. Moreover, since I initially wanted to start a photo blog, this sort of makes up for that initial idea.

So here it the first installment, I will from now on be sharing predominately new images not old ones, unless I find something really special.

Enjoy M

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fashion Faux Pas Redeux, I think not

Ok, I may not be the most fashionable guy in the world, refer to previous post entitled "Fashion Faux Pas", but I think this polo t-shirt has been misinterpreted. The wifey thinks this is an old man shirt. I think it is retro cool. So there was not conundrum here, it was intentional. I like this shirt, not for the pattern but it is nice and roomy which is a major plus. Because the rest of my polos are getting a little too snug for my liking. Who said all sequels are bad! I think we might even do a trilogy, who knows...

M secure with what I wear

You speaka de French?

So since June the wife and me have been learning French at Alliance Francaise, first thing that struck me when I started was the number of people who were studying French. All classes were full and when we eventually changed classes to the weekend, there were more students. Overall, it has been really fun to learn French, and what makes it more fun it I am doing it with my best friend. We are still a distance from fluency of course but we are getting there. Languages have not always been my forte but I think I will make the extra effort because of my French roots and more so to have a secret language.

M parle français

Monday, November 10, 2008

Subtle Hints I Know Not

Being someone who is not in the "in crowd" when it comes to phones and am usually one who uses my phones to absolute destruction had a soft spot when it came to the iPhone.

I literally became down at the fact that I did not have one. I mean I couldn't sleep even. I mean come on it's a phone dah and I started noticing everyone having one. I was obsessed.

So my wonderful and awesome wife got the hint and ventured into Lucky Plaza and got me a black market iPhone. Eventually she saw how much of an awesome and life changing device it was and got one herself. Even kids are usin'em now.

iPhone M

Friday, November 07, 2008


Whoever said that money is the root of evil was surely a poor man. Yet it's something that drives each of us to wake up each day get to work.

Or is it the need for a sense of fulfilment or worse is it for greed and power? My initial years working were for power and the need to show everyone what I am made off. Truly, I admit it but now for me money is a means to live a comfortable life.

I do not love it nor do I care too much about it than I become bothered. I used to be but no longer. My God has blessed me beyond my expectations and He will continue to bless me in His usual way.

M blessed

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Negativity Ignorance

Ok, I'm sure my throng of fans is sick of my India subjective posts; this is will be last for this period. The first time I went to India, my mother told me about the poverty there and told me that India despite being such a beautiful place can be rather heart wrenching when observing the poverty especially the plight of children. So she told me, to ignore it, as there is nothing we can do about it. When in India; ignore the negativities and focus of the positives that is usually the advice they give to travelers.

And just like any trip, the poverty was evident; nothing unusual from my previous sojourns. But there was a particular scene that I think will not leave my mind. In my car being driven in aircon and on the sidewalk I was saw a young mother with her two kids, a boy probably aged 2 and a girl aged 4. They were sitting on the concrete sidewalk. The boy was not wearing any clothes yet they all sat on the pavement in the hot sun and mum was talking to another mum with one kid.

What got me was the 4 year old girl, dressed in a filthy dress and as she sat there she was nodding off could be from the exhaustion or just could be from the fact that no 4 year old should be where she is. What would normally be a comical and a cute sight of a kid nodding off, was heart breaking to me. I simply could not bring my camera out of my bag to photograph this site even though I had the time to do so.

So regarding what my mum said; is there really nothing we can do. Or is this just a way to be ignorant of the situation. Not sure why this picture suited.

M wondering.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Mumbai Maddness

As if the dramatics and conundrums were not enough this trip. Aside from the fact I was staying away from home 12 hours longer than planned was not perturbing enough, there was a real chance of me missing my flight.

The traffic was a key culprit but more so was the unexpected travel arrangements that were sprung on me. A detour was needed and this significantly compromised our exit strategy resulting us to be stuck in an impossible jam that only Mumbai could muster.

The so close yet so far away feeling was there and at times we felt we should just get out of the car and make a run for it. But some heroic driving towards the end managed us to get there before the checkin counters closed. Only just I must add!

M boarding - - Praise the Lord!

Comfort Food

No this is not another post about food as you might think; my avid fans know me better than to be so obvious. But like everyone, there are times when I get down, lonely, and sleepless. So rather than turning to food, I turn to my idiot box, more like beloved box. Yes yes it's my television and for me this is my escape, my comfort. So what does this self confessed couch potato like to watch well other than the usual favorite of Smallville, Greys, Stargate, Prison Break, Entourage and a couple of others there are some new shows worth checking out.

Weeds is particularly good, Dexter is everyone's favorite serial killer, Californication for some skin and True Blood for an interesting twist to vampires. This has kept me company for the past few hours of sleeplessness leading up to my car to take me to Mumbai and eventually home to my girl.

M coming home.

More blokes

Rebellion well perhaps. India is the best place for portraiture photography. But I have seen a lost of the innocence and the greater awareness to the surroundings. Five years ago they will be rushing to you to have their photos taken, now apparently they'll beat you up for fear they will morph their heads onto some obscene pictures.

Sorry lah..not my kinda thing...

M photo
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After posting all the pictures below, I realise that renders pictures really badly. The quality of these precious images looks crap and the true emotive conveyance is lost. Oh well, take my word for it lah, they are great pictures.

M pixelated.

White Boats

This one is rather special with some light editing.
Simple subject yet very poignant or maybe it’s just me but I liked it.
Even before I snapped it I saw the image in my head and felt it was going to be special.
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In the sky

This one is a rather unusual picture.
Feels a little eerie no?
Not sure why it evokes that emotion in me.

What you think?
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Don't take pictures of people

What?? But that is what I do best and my love of photography comes from the fact that I can capture people when in their natural elements basically being themselves and going about their own business. Did I listen?? Well eventually but this was taken before I was warned. Perhaps not my favourite but one that I like a lot. Sometimes the best shots are the ones that looked posed but are not.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Online Again

A must in any hotel, is free wifi. Its just has to be. Come we are an online generation, so whatever same of form we should be able to get on the Net quickly and easily.

So I am glad to be back in St Laurn, where free Wifi is available with these Prepaid card. Not the best but it'll do.

M wified
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Back in Hinjewadi

As the week starts we are back in Hinjewadi, which is where our Tech Park and our partner's office is located. This IT Park is the first of 3 phases were some ultra modern and stunning building housing 1000s, yes 1000s, of engineers. This being a relatively new place there is still quite a bit of development required so the usual contrast still exists where you see country against modernism. Another good thing is that my trip is at its tail end and I am looking forward to going home.

To make things worse, we had to make some last minute changes and are now waitlisted on the ideal flight and confirmed on the not so. Oh well the joys of business travel.

M waitlisted

Cheap but Good

Whenever I come to India there are only a few things that I buy to bring back home. One of the things I love to buy is books. It may be surprising but India has such a wide and large selection of cheap and good books. Best of all, there are books that you cannot find back home. Cheap you say?? Let me break it down for you. I bought 10 books, and I am talking full length novels here for SGD 65, all brand new and some are even new arrivals.

I have found that Indians being a literally expressive race have an unsurprisingly great selection of authors and the number of Indian Booker Prize winners to tantalize the avid reader. And of course there is R.K. Narayan who is one of my favorite Indian authors. My total selection was 15 books, yeah excessive you may say, at least I have got my reading for the next 2 years sorted out.

M Booked

Monday, November 03, 2008

Running on Empty

Initially I meant the above picture for my previous post on Glorious Food, but since I have not had Internet connection for a few days, I felt that I can use this picture better for this post. If you noticed something about this picture, it shows some of the glorious food that India has to offer and I feel fortunate to have this opportunity to travel for work. However, there is one down side here to business travel. If you have keen eyes, you can see amongst the savories there is an empty chair.

Many a times, meals are eaten alone. It can get lonely as one of my first posts motioned eating alone can be uplifting but if it is done on a regular basis it can get depressing. I apologies for the somber post despite the uplifting picture, but I miss my wife bottom-line, especially over the past weekend. She is my usual makan kaki, and this time the empty chair is a tribute to my one and only.

M missing you.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Food glorious food

Well to most outsiders when you think of travelling to India and food, the result is very often "Delhi Belly".

Yeah the foods dirty, it's not cooked properly, it's not fresh or it's not beef it's actually dog are some of the terms I heard being tossed around.

I disagree!

Food here is wonderful. The flavours are amazing and if you love Indian food then this place would be heaven. But strong ceaveat - EAT WITH MODERATION.

Overeating is usually the cause for stomach issues and if you ever do get food poisoning it's probably because you've drunk contaminated water. So stick with bottled water or what they call here as Bisleri. So travel without fear and enjoy.

M eating
(pics to follow as soon as I get a proper wifi; using illegal wifi at a shopping centre)